Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tomorrow is a big day

Days until my half marathon!

Tomorrow I start my official half marathon training. I know that the plan says to run an easy 20 minutes but I'll do more, go farther and try harder because I can already do more than that. I do have to work late so I'm going to have to hit the gym after work if its still open.

I could always go for a run in the afternoon but that's not the safest thing to do, considering what my job is. I could get up earlier and run on the roads but there is fresh snow falling and the drivers around here are complete idiots, they would run over me. So I might have to run on the treadmill. No matter how I do it, I WILL run and I will do everything else my training calls for, including weights, strength, cardio, swimming, cross training.

My brother was a United State Marine for 30 years and a long time ago, back in the 80's, he ran in the Marine Corp Marathon, in formation, carrying a United States flag.  There is a magazine cover with a photo of my brother and his fellow Marines running, it was a few years after he did it before he even saw the cover. Mom has it now, hanging on her wall. How cool is that?

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