Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting back on track

How is training going? Great, today.
This morning I got up early and hit the YMCA for an hour long strength & stability class, given by Torrey.

  Lan and I call the classes she leads Torture Classes because they work us hard. But its all worth it in the end and if I look like her someday in the future I'll be happy. Of course, shes got 15 years on me but so what, I can wish.


side plank
 We did these things on the Bosu Ball and let me tell you the one I labeled 'side plank' kicked my ass.  But we also used weighted balls, mine was 10 lbs. and I had a 9 lb stick or whatever they are called. I was sweating and there were a couple times I just had to stop for a breather. But the classes are getting easier and easier as I do more of them and I'm so happy with that.

I'm NOT happy that I am gaining weight. Still not over 150 but pretty freaking close. I want that number to go DOWN.

Tomorrow I have to run 25 minutes of hills and I live in the perfect place to do it. No matter where I run there are going to be hills. If I go straight out from our farm the road goes exactly 1/2 mile and there is a good down & up hill in the middle of it. I can do hill repeats on it just by running in circles plus I can keep track of how far I go.

As for the horses, my barn girl, C, had bad news. Her grandpa was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer, its in his bones and all throughout his body. Shes going home for the weekend and I am going to encourage her to spend as much time with him as she can because hes not going to be here a lot longer. Poor girl, shes so young.  So I'll be cleaning stalls and doing all the turn out myself. Might have to hire someone to ride my horses for me.

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