Friday, January 28, 2011


How is training going?  I'm sweating buckets.

I just ran yesterdays easy 20 minutes with the Striders at the end. I didn't go outside to do it though, used the treadmill. Only problem is that it's about 90 degrees in our house. I found a big ass fan and had it aimed directly onto me and opened a window right next to me but it didn't help much.
I ran a total of 1.47 miles in 20 minutes @ 4.47mph or 13.3 hours per mile, not fast but when I did the striders I had it going up to 5.8 mph and that's fast for me. I'm just going to have to get my lazy ass out of bed early tomorrow and run before I do anything else. Tomorrow is 30 minutes of hills, concentrating on the UP hills.
I'll go out to my road again, use our own roads so I can measure hills and distance since that road is 1/2 mile long. But if I use just the hill it's 1/4 mile long & has a 50ft elevation gain, perfect for running up and down.
Oops, just reread todays instructions, I short changed my run by 10 minutes. Tomorrow I'll do the 40 minutes of hills to make up for it.

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