Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I gotta get up earlier

 I got to the Y this morning for the 7:30 spin class and all the damn bikes were taken by the New Year Resolutionists. Those losers! The class went for an hour, half was spin and half was strength/core and I can't believe how many of those losers left the room when the hard part began. I ran while they were spinning but joined alongside Lan for the second part.
 It was a hard workout but if I can make it to the classes its really going to help my legs and arms. There were a few times where my legs were shaking from the strain and a couple more where I just couldn't do it any longer but this was my first strength portion, usually I just get the spin class.
 Now I sound like a New Year Resolutionist BUT I actually started working out a long time ago, not 4 days ago. I began my triathlete training 2 years ago and except for taking time off in October & November of this year I've been at it non-stop. I didn't sit on my fat ass all last summer and get 50 lbs over weight and just now decide that I should go to the gym a few times.
 After the class was over I ran another mile.

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