Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Torrey Torture class

To make it to the gym in time I got my butt out of bed at 6:03am, I wanted to get there in time to do the spin/strength class at 7:30 that I have missed recently because of all the New Years Resolutionists. I got the horses and dogs fed in record time then ate my own breakfast. I was at the gym just seconds before Lan pulled in (he was coming from work) but we did walk into the building together. After dropping my gear in the locker room I beat feet up to the spin room and secured our bikes. Not just ours, but one for Abby too.  And Abby walked in right before Lan did so we all set up together.
The workout was killer, the entire spin 30 minutes was done at 80% or above and half of it standing, going up hills. The strength portion was hard and I admit I had to quit on 2 of the leg/ab exercises but I got right back in there after just 2 of the missed leg lifts. But I'm doing more, easier, better than I did a month ago and that makes me feel good. I was even able to do the plank without failing and I did 8 push ups in the time Torrey did 10. I don't go down as far as Torrey but shes got ripped arms and shoulders to go along with the rest of her beautiful body so I'm OK with that. I go to her classes in hopes that someday I can have a ripped body like hers. Laugh out loud!
After our class I walked about 1/2 mile with Lan & Abby, tried jogging but the bra I was wearing failed me today.

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