Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mack has an owie

My friend has a huge Appaloosa named Mack.  This evening Mack somehow cut his lower eyelid pretty bad and she has to have the vet come out to sew it up. The vet offered to save her $70 if she was to haul the horse in to his office but her trailer doesn't have drop down Windows so the injury would be exposed to wind the whole way there, about 25 miles or more.  She called the vet back and declined, asking him to come out after all and he almost didn't do it. I understand him wanting to stay home but I hope he gets out to her right away.

This vet, lets call him BW, has been a pain in the butt with me, or at least his office has been and not just me. A lot of people I know have had problems with them and most of those problems have to do with $$$.  
The problem I had was over $70. I had hauled a horse to a big vet in Snohomish for BW and he carried a credit on my account of $75 for a couple months as payment to me. When Joey needed looking at for his face being swelled up.
I hauled him in to the office and the the partner, lets call him MN, looked at Joey. MN did the exam & put Joey on SMZ's then charged me an outrageous amount for it. I asked him nicely if I could buy 1 bottle of meds from him and would he call the other bottle into an online store so I could save a few $$. He wouldn't do it. The price of the SMZ's at the vet was $64 for a 5 day supply and the same stuff online was $20.
I didn't have enough cash on me, I used the $75 credit and gave MN the cash I had in my pocket but I didn't have a credit card or even my debit card on me so I just asked him to carry the balance of $70 for 2 weeks. He threw a shitfit.  Not only did he talk down to me but he kept on with it even after another customer came into the office. That pissed me off but I didn't say anything to him about it at the time. MN told me he isn't a credit card and that he doesn't have to call in meds to online stores. I was so mad that when I got home I talked it over with Lan and he agreed with me.
I have had a balance with BW before and there was never a problem and they knew I was good for it and they had that $75 credit for how long? Plus, BW has been Joeys vet for 13 years and I've spent thousands of dollars in vet bills to him and his office.
The next day I called the office to talk about this with BW but got the receptionist, who was a bitch about the whole thing. Then later that day MN called me and he was just as nasty as before. 3 days later BW was out here to see Mack for something else and he & I talked about it and he was sort of an ass too. So I am using other vets now. BW is indisputably the best Equine veterinarian in our area but I'm giving my own shots, I have a working relationship with other local vets and I'll only call BW if my horse is dying.
Several other people have brought up problems with this office so its not just me. Once Chris called for BW to see her llama and MN showed up & admitted to Chris that he knows nothing about llamas but he insisted on working on the animal even after Chris requested that BW come out instead. MN never did anything besides charge Chris an outrageous bill and the llama didn't get meds or anything.

Just got a call from Macks owner, the vet still isn't there and she called him 2 hours ago. I told her to not pay an emergency fee since hes taking his sweet time.

Here is a photo of Macks eye before he cut it...  I hope the scar isn't too noticable once its healed.

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