Thursday, January 6, 2011

Todays workout was much easier, in parts.

 I caught the entire spin/strength/core workout today, the spin portion was great, legs were a little sore at first.  But the second half of the class was painful. Squats for 30 seconds at a time then repeat, ouch. The crunches weren't any better but all of the chest and arm work we did felt good to me. I wonder if I need to use a little heavier weights? I use my arms a lot at home, cleaning in the barn, grooming horses, heaving big bags of grain around in the feed room. I'll go up a bit next week.
 Now every time I move, some part of my body is in pain.  But I am looking forward to the day when I won't be in pain and then I'll be much happier.
 My official half marathon training starts next week and I have a dilemma; I'm supposed to start out on Tuesday running 3 miles then do cross/strength on Wednesday but these classes are on Tuesdays & Thursdays and I work Wednesdays. I don't want to be doing my 2 weekly runs with just 1 day in between them, I want to have other workouts in there. I'm either going to have to get up even earlier or run after work in the dark, which I really do not want to do.
 Joey is out in the arena for a few hours, I want everyone to have as much turn out time as I can give them and I'd prefer to have 2 horses out at once but he is mean to Handy and I'm sure he would not like The Pie at all. Too bad Patti is a mare because they are both so mean that they might like each other. Jandy & The Pie can go out together and Sunshower & Wifi go out together. Patti is mean to both my girls.
 I need to get on The Pie, quit screwing around. But I'm not doing it alone, there has been such crappy weather, holidays and short daylight hours. Sigh.
 In another month it will be light out till 6pm and I will be so happy at that time.  :)

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