Today was a big day for The Pie, S and I got on him for the first time. It seems he might have been a carousel pony or leadline as he is excellent on the lead. He mouthed the bit a lot and didn't behave as well while it was in his mouth but once we removed it he was a lot better. He didn't want to go forward, we had to work hard to get him to go. He did a few small rears with S but I think he was frustrated and/or didn't know what she was asking. While I rode him I had S lead him around a bit then I had her leave us and it was harder and it took some kicking/squeezing but he did go and well too. I think I just need to get out there on him a lot more now that I have been on him once.
I also rode Sunshower today and even at a canter! I NEVER ride at a canter so this was a good day all around for me. Last time I rode her she bucked me off in the woods and I got this hellacious bruise on my leg.
Anyway I wasn't scared to get back on her at all today and didn't even think about being scared. I think that must be because she didn't hurt me like Joey did when he bucked me off 3.5 years ago at the beach.
When he did it I thought my hip was broken. Amy and I were a mile away from any other people and I had to get on her horse and ride back to the truck and trailer; went to the hospital the next day for xrays and they said its not broke just bruised deeply & stay off it.
Then the next day I left home in the horse trailer and hauled 3 horses to Wyoming & brought back 2 from Colorado. This trip took me 5 days, I had crutches and could only carry a small bucket of water at a time. It hurt like hell to walk on it but it didn't hurt to sit and being in the truck was a good thing. I've never been able to ask Jeoy for a canter since then without flashing back to it in total terror. But I still love him.
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