Wednesday, January 26, 2011

South Cottonwood Trail, Gallatin National Forest, Montana

How is training going? Day off, no soreness from yesterdays torture class.

Last September Lan and I hauled 2 horses to Montana for a local horse rescue. These 2 horses were going to their new home with one of the rescues board of directors, Jesse. While we were there Lan and I hit the trails and this is the one we rode.

 I was standing in the middle of the trail waiting for Lan to ride toward me for photos and I heard this weird noise behind me. Imagine my shock when I turned around thinking I'd see a bear coming at me & instead its this...
Alone, no woman to make this lone cowboy go out on trails. Almost romantic.
Nice butt.

Cottonwood trail has parts that are UP on one side and DOWN on the other. I like these trails, adds an extra challenge.

The trail had several creeks or rivers to cross and all of them had these cool log bridges. It was kinda hard to get across the first one, scared I'd fall in or something but of course I didn't. I just had to figure out how to hold the bike and not kick the pedal on the way across.

There were a lot of muddy spots but mostly it was good sailing.

Lan coming across one of the bridges.

My husband is so handsome.

 I got a little muddy.

After we got a few miles up the hill and along the trails a storm came in. Besides wind and rain there was also loud thunder & lightening and I got scared. I have been in the forest before when the wind blows; tree branches fall and pine cones dive bomb you and it can hurt. But I was more scared of the lightening. Lan wanted to keep going and got mad when I decided to turn around but I wasn't going to be the only metal object up in the mountains to get struck.
By the time we got back down to the trail head we were soaked. We were sitting in the truck changing our clothes when the last other people who were out on the trails came down. Lan had left his hydro pack outside in the rain beside the truck and the lady saw it and picked it up and brought it to us. She saw me nekkid in the truck, lol.
Note to self: Only change either the tops or the bottoms in the car at any time.

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