Monday, January 31, 2011

7.2 Miles

How is training going? Wowzer, I ran 7.2 miles just now.

I did 6.2 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes then added the rest doing striders. I am hurting a little in my legs but that should go away and I'll be tired but survive.  5.08 MPH  and 11.48 minutes per mile. I burned 745 calories!

I had to stop along the way and take a photo of these 2 goats and another stop for a couple minutes to stretch, at 1/2 mile into the run. I didn't stop again till I saw a pug that was out being walked with his man & tried to pet him. Then I ran the rest of the way home.
 This was taken at about 4 miles and I had been running for about 45 minutes so far. I wasn't making good time but its all uphill, of course.

Just before 5 miles I realized I still had 15 minutes to run so I cut down a dirt road I;ve never been down before, Lan had told me it went behind the school. I figured it was safe enough but I was so tired on the way out of there and I was SO CLOSE to home.

My timer went off at exactly 6 miles so I walked home from there, dropped off a couple things like my jacket and beanie and then I did the striders. I ran too far for those so I'll go a little less next time. This is the road out from our house, its 1/2 mile from here to the other end. Its got these perfect hills in it for me to run my hills on, it doesn't look like it but its actually steep. Well, to me it is steep. The 1/4 mile from the bottom of the hill to the stop sign has 50 feet of elevation gain and that's enough.

As I sit here I get more tired so I'm going to go hit the shower and have a little nap afterward.

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