Saturday, January 22, 2011

25 Minutes of Hills

How is training going? Very good.

My training called for 25 minutes of running hills so I got out there and did it. This hill is basically about 1/4 mile long from top to bottom (the hill itself). If I run from home and go 1/2 mile I will got flat, down, up & flat, turn & repeat. I did this a few times; It was the required 25 minutes and I did it in 10.10 minutes per mile.

I got out of bed early this morning to go to the YMCA for a spin class but Lan took forever getting ready and there were NO bikes available again at the class. That made me mad ~ stupid weekenders. Yeah, I'm bring mean, but &*$&^  I wanted to do that class. I wouldn't be upset if they were there all the time. Plus this is MY blog...  I would just like it if the lazy assholes would get off their lazy butts and get exercise during the week.

Tomorrow is a day off from exercising so maybe I'll be able to get a spin class in then??  There is one from 10:15-11:00 so we'll see.

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