Monday, January 24, 2011

I've never ran that long before

How is training going? Good

This morning I went to the YMCA again, hoping to get a spin class in before I ran for an hour but the parking lot was FULL. So instead of wasting time going in to the gym just to find no bikes available, again, I started my run.

I went from the Y out to Peacock Hill then up to 135th & back. When I got back to the Y I still had 2 minutes to run so I ran around the parking lot & turned off my stop watch at exactly 1:00:00. It felt good to get all the time in and not having to stop at all.

But I'm scared that I won't be up to snuff when race day gets here because I run so slow. Should I be running farther and faster by now? I know, its only my 2nd week but I don't want to be behind from the git-go. I suppose that as long as I run as much time wise as they say then I'll be OK and since this training is ending a full month before my half marathon I should be able to add a couple more miles on at the end.

I also added the free full marathon training on at the end of this too so IF I feel like continuing with running I can certainly do it.

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