Monday, January 10, 2011

Events & Charities

Most of the events I've done have advertised that proceeds go to charity. Today I found a race nearby that is being put on by BuDu Racing, the Five Mile Lake Triathlon in Federal Way, WA. Its not too far away from home and I know the area so thought I'd find out what charity they are donating to and how much of the proceeds go to the charity.
I contacted them through their website:

 I am inquiring about the Five Mile Lake Triathlon in Auburn on July 2nd. I am wondering if proceeds go to a charity, and if so which one? and how much of my entry fee would be going to charity and how much to race organizers? I like to keep my money going to local charities and I'd like to race in your race.

and got an email back from Deanna at BuDu which did not answer my question; here is her reply:

Denise, as our flier and online registration show, a portion of the proceeds do benefit the NW JDRF association, however, we are a for profit company.

I don't have a problem with a for profit company but she didn't answer my question of how much of my registration dollars go to charity.

Denise, in the past, we have given 8-10% to JDRF at our events. For Five Mile Lake we have given around 10% to the volunteer organization, as well as 20% to King County for the use of the park. Additionally, we give 5% to the Explorer Scouts, who help with the roads, so that is almost 45% of the proceeds that go out before the event expenses are even included. Since we are a for profit organization, I am not sure what else you need to be able to feel that your money is going to used properly.

Deanna Muller
USA Triathlon Certified Race Director
BuDu Racing - Event Management
Join BuDu Racing on FaceBook

I don't think I am going to race in her race, just simply because it took 2 emails to get the information out of her and it should have been cut and dried and why isn't it on their website where everyone can read it without having to register for the event. She should also be proud of the donation, not acting like its something to hide.

This is why I don't want to race in Danskin & Trek any longer. Registration fees are $123 (2010) and only 10% went to charity. Somethings wrong with this picture. Don't use breast cancer as a way to make YOU rich.  I can go out and run somewhere for fun and donate $100 to a charity and they will get all of it. Yeah, that wouldn't be as fun, running by myself.  I know there are some hefty expenses involved in organizing races but I'd still like more than $13 out of my $123 to go to charity. Especially since for Danskin last year there were over 3000 women. Out of $369,000 brought in only $39,000 went to Breast Cancer Research. 

In 2009 Lan and I did the Chelanman Multi Sport Weekend and both completed out first tri's, we did the try a tri. All the proceeds for that entire weekend go to the local hospital. 

As a member of the Kitsap Tri Babes I have raced in the Tri Turtle Tri where MOST of the proceeds went to a local charity. Each week at our 2 training days we donate to a local cause, one day it might be for a sister Tri Babe who broke an arm and the next time it might be for a headstone for a man riding his bike who got hit by a car on a road we had just ridden on. Our leader, Lisa, chooses who the money is going to go to. There are no set amounts to donate and you don't have to donate at all. Last year I think she charged $85 for the triathlon entry fee and we knew who the proceeds were going to and Lisa also gives us a breakdown at the end of each season of how much was collected and how much was given away. It doesn't get better than this. Lisa is NOT getting rich off our donations and I so appreciate this.

Kitsap Tri Babes also volunteer to clean the park where we swim & hold the Tri Turtle. We pick up trash, replace toilet paper, clean bathrooms, etc. About half of each weeks cash donations are given to our local park district in support of Wildcat Lake, to keep it open for not only our use but the entire community to use.
 I'll keep looking for triathlons and running events that are close to home and I'll be verifying before i sign up exactly how much the charity is getting.  

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