Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's good to stop

How is training going?   Good enough.  On Thursday morning before I left on this trip I went to the YMCA and did the spin/stability class so I wasn't slacking. I then got no exercise on Friday or Saturday but I did go for a run this morning with my brother.
I am in southern California where the weather is so different from home. At home I am happy if the temps are 40 and here it is 75 today. I was sweating pretty good by the half way time of our run and i had to walk a few times.

I picked up Cathy Atkinsons horse, Cecil, on Thursday and delivered him to Cathy on Friday. I made really good time, even with a 100 mile wrong turn. He was delivered to her Polo farm in Symlar at about 7pm and Cathy was so happy to have him home.
I on the other hand was super tired, having slept only about 3 hours during the trip. I went out for dinner with cathy then we went to Gemini House in Hollywood, where I spent the night. You can check them out online, google it. On Saturday morning I went back to the barn with her for a while. Then I left my trailer at the farm and came to Fallbrook to visit Jeff.
its been a good trip and I'm happy I did this. Not making any money on it, the one person who has horses to go back wont return my calls at all so its looking like I might have to go back empy.

I'm thinking I'll go to the store in a while, get a few things and head back tonight. I really don't want to drive in Monday morning LA traffic.

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