How is training going? Wowzer, I ran 7.2 miles just now.
I did 6.2 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes then added the rest doing striders. I am hurting a little in my legs but that should go away and I'll be tired but survive. 5.08 MPH and 11.48 minutes per mile. I burned 745 calories!
I had to stop along the way and take a photo of these 2 goats and another stop for a couple minutes to stretch, at 1/2 mile into the run. I didn't stop again till I saw a pug that was out being walked with his man & tried to pet him. Then I ran the rest of the way home.
This was taken at about 4 miles and I had been running for about 45 minutes so far. I wasn't making good time but its all uphill, of course.
Just before 5 miles I realized I still had 15 minutes to run so I cut down a dirt road I;ve never been down before, Lan had told me it went behind the school. I figured it was safe enough but I was so tired on the way out of there and I was SO CLOSE to home.
My timer went off at exactly 6 miles so I walked home from there, dropped off a couple things like my jacket and beanie and then I did the striders. I ran too far for those so I'll go a little less next time. This is the road out from our house, its 1/2 mile from here to the other end. Its got these perfect hills in it for me to run my hills on, it doesn't look like it but its actually steep. Well, to me it is steep. The 1/4 mile from the bottom of the hill to the stop sign has 50 feet of elevation gain and that's enough.
As I sit here I get more tired so I'm going to go hit the shower and have a little nap afterward.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day Off
It was nice to have a day off, I didn't even go ride bikes with Lan when he went out but luckily he didn't because he went about 20 miles.
My exercise for the day was to clean the whole barn. I put Joey & Handy out into the arena where they proceeded to chase each other around, for about, oh, all day. Wifi got to visit Joeys stall with the gate opened into the pasture so she had room to run too. The Pie was in the outside turnout but he got out and farted around in the back pasture, which is closed to horses. Silly Pie.
So I cleaned all the stalls and paddocks, filled all the water buckets, swept the aisle. Blankets off for the day.
Besides that I didn't do much and besides Lan I don't think anyone else did much either.
Nice lazy day on the farm.
The tractor even took a break today, here it is out in the driveway tonight. Of course those mastiffs just have to get into every photo...
I have another big day for training tomorrow, need to get into bed at a decent time tonight.
My exercise for the day was to clean the whole barn. I put Joey & Handy out into the arena where they proceeded to chase each other around, for about, oh, all day. Wifi got to visit Joeys stall with the gate opened into the pasture so she had room to run too. The Pie was in the outside turnout but he got out and farted around in the back pasture, which is closed to horses. Silly Pie.
So I cleaned all the stalls and paddocks, filled all the water buckets, swept the aisle. Blankets off for the day.
Besides that I didn't do much and besides Lan I don't think anyone else did much either.
Nice lazy day on the farm.
The tractor even took a break today, here it is out in the driveway tonight. Of course those mastiffs just have to get into every photo...
I have another big day for training tomorrow, need to get into bed at a decent time tonight.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Mack has an owie
My friend has a huge Appaloosa named Mack. This evening Mack somehow cut his lower eyelid pretty bad and she has to have the vet come out to sew it up. The vet offered to save her $70 if she was to haul the horse in to his office but her trailer doesn't have drop down Windows so the injury would be exposed to wind the whole way there, about 25 miles or more. She called the vet back and declined, asking him to come out after all and he almost didn't do it. I understand him wanting to stay home but I hope he gets out to her right away.
This vet, lets call him BW, has been a pain in the butt with me, or at least his office has been and not just me. A lot of people I know have had problems with them and most of those problems have to do with $$$.
The problem I had was over $70. I had hauled a horse to a big vet in Snohomish for BW and he carried a credit on my account of $75 for a couple months as payment to me. When Joey needed looking at for his face being swelled up.
I hauled him in to the office and the the partner, lets call him MN, looked at Joey. MN did the exam & put Joey on SMZ's then charged me an outrageous amount for it. I asked him nicely if I could buy 1 bottle of meds from him and would he call the other bottle into an online store so I could save a few $$. He wouldn't do it. The price of the SMZ's at the vet was $64 for a 5 day supply and the same stuff online was $20.
I didn't have enough cash on me, I used the $75 credit and gave MN the cash I had in my pocket but I didn't have a credit card or even my debit card on me so I just asked him to carry the balance of $70 for 2 weeks. He threw a shitfit. Not only did he talk down to me but he kept on with it even after another customer came into the office. That pissed me off but I didn't say anything to him about it at the time. MN told me he isn't a credit card and that he doesn't have to call in meds to online stores. I was so mad that when I got home I talked it over with Lan and he agreed with me.
I have had a balance with BW before and there was never a problem and they knew I was good for it and they had that $75 credit for how long? Plus, BW has been Joeys vet for 13 years and I've spent thousands of dollars in vet bills to him and his office.
The next day I called the office to talk about this with BW but got the receptionist, who was a bitch about the whole thing. Then later that day MN called me and he was just as nasty as before. 3 days later BW was out here to see Mack for something else and he & I talked about it and he was sort of an ass too. So I am using other vets now. BW is indisputably the best Equine veterinarian in our area but I'm giving my own shots, I have a working relationship with other local vets and I'll only call BW if my horse is dying.
Several other people have brought up problems with this office so its not just me. Once Chris called for BW to see her llama and MN showed up & admitted to Chris that he knows nothing about llamas but he insisted on working on the animal even after Chris requested that BW come out instead. MN never did anything besides charge Chris an outrageous bill and the llama didn't get meds or anything.
Just got a call from Macks owner, the vet still isn't there and she called him 2 hours ago. I told her to not pay an emergency fee since hes taking his sweet time.
Here is a photo of Macks eye before he cut it... I hope the scar isn't too noticable once its healed.
This vet, lets call him BW, has been a pain in the butt with me, or at least his office has been and not just me. A lot of people I know have had problems with them and most of those problems have to do with $$$.
The problem I had was over $70. I had hauled a horse to a big vet in Snohomish for BW and he carried a credit on my account of $75 for a couple months as payment to me. When Joey needed looking at for his face being swelled up.
I hauled him in to the office and the the partner, lets call him MN, looked at Joey. MN did the exam & put Joey on SMZ's then charged me an outrageous amount for it. I asked him nicely if I could buy 1 bottle of meds from him and would he call the other bottle into an online store so I could save a few $$. He wouldn't do it. The price of the SMZ's at the vet was $64 for a 5 day supply and the same stuff online was $20.
I didn't have enough cash on me, I used the $75 credit and gave MN the cash I had in my pocket but I didn't have a credit card or even my debit card on me so I just asked him to carry the balance of $70 for 2 weeks. He threw a shitfit. Not only did he talk down to me but he kept on with it even after another customer came into the office. That pissed me off but I didn't say anything to him about it at the time. MN told me he isn't a credit card and that he doesn't have to call in meds to online stores. I was so mad that when I got home I talked it over with Lan and he agreed with me.
I have had a balance with BW before and there was never a problem and they knew I was good for it and they had that $75 credit for how long? Plus, BW has been Joeys vet for 13 years and I've spent thousands of dollars in vet bills to him and his office.
The next day I called the office to talk about this with BW but got the receptionist, who was a bitch about the whole thing. Then later that day MN called me and he was just as nasty as before. 3 days later BW was out here to see Mack for something else and he & I talked about it and he was sort of an ass too. So I am using other vets now. BW is indisputably the best Equine veterinarian in our area but I'm giving my own shots, I have a working relationship with other local vets and I'll only call BW if my horse is dying.
Several other people have brought up problems with this office so its not just me. Once Chris called for BW to see her llama and MN showed up & admitted to Chris that he knows nothing about llamas but he insisted on working on the animal even after Chris requested that BW come out instead. MN never did anything besides charge Chris an outrageous bill and the llama didn't get meds or anything.
Just got a call from Macks owner, the vet still isn't there and she called him 2 hours ago. I told her to not pay an emergency fee since hes taking his sweet time.
Here is a photo of Macks eye before he cut it... I hope the scar isn't too noticable once its healed.
I got todays workout done early
How is my training going: GREAT!!
I ran HILLS. I ran 1/4 mile UP hill 6 times in 40 minutes & downs hills in between, of course. I run from home for 1/2 mile, that takes me out to Mullenix. Turn around and run back down the hill 1/4 mile, turn & go back up. I did this 6 times then came back home for a total of 3.5 miles in 42 minutes with an elevation gain of 50 feet per hill. In a light rain with temps at about 45 degrees.
I'm not the worlds fastest runner by any means but this was very good for me, I was doing 12 minute miles. I'm hoping that when I do the Knock Your Socks Off 4 mile run in a couple weeks that I'll be able to kick butt doing it :) and that I can beat my friends 12 year old son.
Lan isgetting ready to take his bike out and ride but he can't decide if its going to be his road, mountain bike or cyclocross bike. his mtn bike is all clean and he doesn't feel like going out & getting it all dirty again.
I ran HILLS. I ran 1/4 mile UP hill 6 times in 40 minutes & downs hills in between, of course. I run from home for 1/2 mile, that takes me out to Mullenix. Turn around and run back down the hill 1/4 mile, turn & go back up. I did this 6 times then came back home for a total of 3.5 miles in 42 minutes with an elevation gain of 50 feet per hill. In a light rain with temps at about 45 degrees.
I'm not the worlds fastest runner by any means but this was very good for me, I was doing 12 minute miles. I'm hoping that when I do the Knock Your Socks Off 4 mile run in a couple weeks that I'll be able to kick butt doing it :) and that I can beat my friends 12 year old son.
Lan isgetting ready to take his bike out and ride but he can't decide if its going to be his road, mountain bike or cyclocross bike. his mtn bike is all clean and he doesn't feel like going out & getting it all dirty again.
Friday, January 28, 2011
How is training going? I'm sweating buckets.
I just ran yesterdays easy 20 minutes with the Striders at the end. I didn't go outside to do it though, used the treadmill. Only problem is that it's about 90 degrees in our house. I found a big ass fan and had it aimed directly onto me and opened a window right next to me but it didn't help much.
I ran a total of 1.47 miles in 20 minutes @ 4.47mph or 13.3 hours per mile, not fast but when I did the striders I had it going up to 5.8 mph and that's fast for me. I'm just going to have to get my lazy ass out of bed early tomorrow and run before I do anything else. Tomorrow is 30 minutes of hills, concentrating on the UP hills.
I'll go out to my road again, use our own roads so I can measure hills and distance since that road is 1/2 mile long. But if I use just the hill it's 1/4 mile long & has a 50ft elevation gain, perfect for running up and down.
Oops, just reread todays instructions, I short changed my run by 10 minutes. Tomorrow I'll do the 40 minutes of hills to make up for it.
I just ran yesterdays easy 20 minutes with the Striders at the end. I didn't go outside to do it though, used the treadmill. Only problem is that it's about 90 degrees in our house. I found a big ass fan and had it aimed directly onto me and opened a window right next to me but it didn't help much.
I ran a total of 1.47 miles in 20 minutes @ 4.47mph or 13.3 hours per mile, not fast but when I did the striders I had it going up to 5.8 mph and that's fast for me. I'm just going to have to get my lazy ass out of bed early tomorrow and run before I do anything else. Tomorrow is 30 minutes of hills, concentrating on the UP hills.
I'll go out to my road again, use our own roads so I can measure hills and distance since that road is 1/2 mile long. But if I use just the hill it's 1/4 mile long & has a 50ft elevation gain, perfect for running up and down.
Oops, just reread todays instructions, I short changed my run by 10 minutes. Tomorrow I'll do the 40 minutes of hills to make up for it.
Another race for my calendar
I have verified the date of the Knock My Socks Off 4 mile race in Gig Harbor, its definately on February 13th. So I sighend up, paid the $15, got my shirt and number (133) and am all excited to do it now.
The problem I had encountered was that thier webpage stated that late registration lasted till Feb 13 & 14th so I hope they get that cleared up for other people reading it.
I had Lan sign up for it too because they gave us nice techie shirts with our registration and you can't buy nice shirts like that for $15. I'll post photos after the race.
The problem I had encountered was that thier webpage stated that late registration lasted till Feb 13 & 14th so I hope they get that cleared up for other people reading it.
I had Lan sign up for it too because they gave us nice techie shirts with our registration and you can't buy nice shirts like that for $15. I'll post photos after the race.
Rode The Pie today
How is training going? I had the torture class at the YMCA again, spin/strength. We're working harder each and every class and its still hard but it feels good to go. I was supposed to run 20 easy minutess with STRIDERS at the end of it but I'll do them tomorrow.
Today was a big day for The Pie, S and I got on him for the first time. It seems he might have been a carousel pony or leadline as he is excellent on the lead. He mouthed the bit a lot and didn't behave as well while it was in his mouth but once we removed it he was a lot better. He didn't want to go forward, we had to work hard to get him to go. He did a few small rears with S but I think he was frustrated and/or didn't know what she was asking. While I rode him I had S lead him around a bit then I had her leave us and it was harder and it took some kicking/squeezing but he did go and well too. I think I just need to get out there on him a lot more now that I have been on him once.
I also rode Sunshower today and even at a canter! I NEVER ride at a canter so this was a good day all around for me. Last time I rode her she bucked me off in the woods and I got this hellacious bruise on my leg.
That was just the day after I landed in the woods, it got much darker and nastier looking before it got better. Its still there a little but the paid isn't as intense when I touch it not is it still black and blue, even most of the yellow & green is gone. That was December 30, 2010.
Today was a big day for The Pie, S and I got on him for the first time. It seems he might have been a carousel pony or leadline as he is excellent on the lead. He mouthed the bit a lot and didn't behave as well while it was in his mouth but once we removed it he was a lot better. He didn't want to go forward, we had to work hard to get him to go. He did a few small rears with S but I think he was frustrated and/or didn't know what she was asking. While I rode him I had S lead him around a bit then I had her leave us and it was harder and it took some kicking/squeezing but he did go and well too. I think I just need to get out there on him a lot more now that I have been on him once.
I also rode Sunshower today and even at a canter! I NEVER ride at a canter so this was a good day all around for me. Last time I rode her she bucked me off in the woods and I got this hellacious bruise on my leg.
Anyway I wasn't scared to get back on her at all today and didn't even think about being scared. I think that must be because she didn't hurt me like Joey did when he bucked me off 3.5 years ago at the beach.
When he did it I thought my hip was broken. Amy and I were a mile away from any other people and I had to get on her horse and ride back to the truck and trailer; went to the hospital the next day for xrays and they said its not broke just bruised deeply & stay off it.
Then the next day I left home in the horse trailer and hauled 3 horses to Wyoming & brought back 2 from Colorado. This trip took me 5 days, I had crutches and could only carry a small bucket of water at a time. It hurt like hell to walk on it but it didn't hurt to sit and being in the truck was a good thing. I've never been able to ask Jeoy for a canter since then without flashing back to it in total terror. But I still love him.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
South Cottonwood Trail, Gallatin National Forest, Montana
How is training going? Day off, no soreness from yesterdays torture class.
Last September Lan and I hauled 2 horses to Montana for a local horse rescue. These 2 horses were going to their new home with one of the rescues board of directors, Jesse. While we were there Lan and I hit the trails and this is the one we rode.
I was standing in the middle of the trail waiting for Lan to ride toward me for photos and I heard this weird noise behind me. Imagine my shock when I turned around thinking I'd see a bear coming at me & instead its this...
Alone, no woman to make this lone cowboy go out on trails. Almost romantic.
Nice butt.
Cottonwood trail has parts that are UP on one side and DOWN on the other. I like these trails, adds an extra challenge.
The trail had several creeks or rivers to cross and all of them had these cool log bridges. It was kinda hard to get across the first one, scared I'd fall in or something but of course I didn't. I just had to figure out how to hold the bike and not kick the pedal on the way across.
There were a lot of muddy spots but mostly it was good sailing.
Lan coming across one of the bridges.
My husband is so handsome.
I got a little muddy.
After we got a few miles up the hill and along the trails a storm came in. Besides wind and rain there was also loud thunder & lightening and I got scared. I have been in the forest before when the wind blows; tree branches fall and pine cones dive bomb you and it can hurt. But I was more scared of the lightening. Lan wanted to keep going and got mad when I decided to turn around but I wasn't going to be the only metal object up in the mountains to get struck.
By the time we got back down to the trail head we were soaked. We were sitting in the truck changing our clothes when the last other people who were out on the trails came down. Lan had left his hydro pack outside in the rain beside the truck and the lady saw it and picked it up and brought it to us. She saw me nekkid in the truck, lol.
Note to self: Only change either the tops or the bottoms in the car at any time.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Another Torrey Torture class
To make it to the gym in time I got my butt out of bed at 6:03am, I wanted to get there in time to do the spin/strength class at 7:30 that I have missed recently because of all the New Years Resolutionists. I got the horses and dogs fed in record time then ate my own breakfast. I was at the gym just seconds before Lan pulled in (he was coming from work) but we did walk into the building together. After dropping my gear in the locker room I beat feet up to the spin room and secured our bikes. Not just ours, but one for Abby too. And Abby walked in right before Lan did so we all set up together.
The workout was killer, the entire spin 30 minutes was done at 80% or above and half of it standing, going up hills. The strength portion was hard and I admit I had to quit on 2 of the leg/ab exercises but I got right back in there after just 2 of the missed leg lifts. But I'm doing more, easier, better than I did a month ago and that makes me feel good. I was even able to do the plank without failing and I did 8 push ups in the time Torrey did 10. I don't go down as far as Torrey but shes got ripped arms and shoulders to go along with the rest of her beautiful body so I'm OK with that. I go to her classes in hopes that someday I can have a ripped body like hers. Laugh out loud!
After our class I walked about 1/2 mile with Lan & Abby, tried jogging but the bra I was wearing failed me today.
The workout was killer, the entire spin 30 minutes was done at 80% or above and half of it standing, going up hills. The strength portion was hard and I admit I had to quit on 2 of the leg/ab exercises but I got right back in there after just 2 of the missed leg lifts. But I'm doing more, easier, better than I did a month ago and that makes me feel good. I was even able to do the plank without failing and I did 8 push ups in the time Torrey did 10. I don't go down as far as Torrey but shes got ripped arms and shoulders to go along with the rest of her beautiful body so I'm OK with that. I go to her classes in hopes that someday I can have a ripped body like hers. Laugh out loud!
After our class I walked about 1/2 mile with Lan & Abby, tried jogging but the bra I was wearing failed me today.
Monday, January 24, 2011
I've never ran that long before
How is training going? Good
This morning I went to the YMCA again, hoping to get a spin class in before I ran for an hour but the parking lot was FULL. So instead of wasting time going in to the gym just to find no bikes available, again, I started my run.
I went from the Y out to Peacock Hill then up to 135th & back. When I got back to the Y I still had 2 minutes to run so I ran around the parking lot & turned off my stop watch at exactly 1:00:00. It felt good to get all the time in and not having to stop at all.
But I'm scared that I won't be up to snuff when race day gets here because I run so slow. Should I be running farther and faster by now? I know, its only my 2nd week but I don't want to be behind from the git-go. I suppose that as long as I run as much time wise as they say then I'll be OK and since this training is ending a full month before my half marathon I should be able to add a couple more miles on at the end.
I also added the free full marathon training on at the end of this too so IF I feel like continuing with running I can certainly do it.
This morning I went to the YMCA again, hoping to get a spin class in before I ran for an hour but the parking lot was FULL. So instead of wasting time going in to the gym just to find no bikes available, again, I started my run.
I went from the Y out to Peacock Hill then up to 135th & back. When I got back to the Y I still had 2 minutes to run so I ran around the parking lot & turned off my stop watch at exactly 1:00:00. It felt good to get all the time in and not having to stop at all.
But I'm scared that I won't be up to snuff when race day gets here because I run so slow. Should I be running farther and faster by now? I know, its only my 2nd week but I don't want to be behind from the git-go. I suppose that as long as I run as much time wise as they say then I'll be OK and since this training is ending a full month before my half marathon I should be able to add a couple more miles on at the end.
I also added the free full marathon training on at the end of this too so IF I feel like continuing with running I can certainly do it.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wifi & The Pie
How is training going? Day off
I put The Pie out with Wifi today and let them eat together & spend half the day out there. He wants to be friends but she keeps telling him to keep his distance and he does. Its unlikely that they will hurt each other, he is smaller than her but has more experience, both are barefoot and when she does buck & kick at him she isn't anywhere near him.
This evening when I was cleaning the barn I decided to put Bunny Foo Foo and her cage into The Pies stall. They are now roomies. I noticed him over sniffing around her cage after just a couple minutes so that's good. Maybe hes trying to figure out how to get her carrots & timothy pellets out of her cage and into his mouth?
Wifi came to me but The Pie stayed way over there |
I put The Pie out with Wifi today and let them eat together & spend half the day out there. He wants to be friends but she keeps telling him to keep his distance and he does. Its unlikely that they will hurt each other, he is smaller than her but has more experience, both are barefoot and when she does buck & kick at him she isn't anywhere near him.
This evening when I was cleaning the barn I decided to put Bunny Foo Foo and her cage into The Pies stall. They are now roomies. I noticed him over sniffing around her cage after just a couple minutes so that's good. Maybe hes trying to figure out how to get her carrots & timothy pellets out of her cage and into his mouth?
He wasn't coming near her |
In the video you can see the molasses on her nose from her hanging stall toy.
Lan had time today to work on the barn floor drain and it is almost done. It drains now, yay!! It has been clogged with dirt & horse hair for the last 3 years, was a real bummer to try to bathe a horse because the floor would flood after only a couple gallons of water usage. Now I will be able to use that area again for its intended purposes, grooming & getting things wet.
EXCEPT the hose pipe broke in the cold weather last month so there is still that problem. I'll see if I can get him to work on it soon; I hate trying to clean buckets without a hose and the other hose bib doesn't work the same.
This pipe is now connected to the drain field that he repaired last month. Not only does this drain the wash rack but it drains the gutters too. This means they should stop overflowing & splashing all over the steps to the feed room. Lan had to lift up the back of the tack room to dig out the pipes.
What this all means is that I can get my horses back into the cross ties and start some serious grooming. I noticed The Pie is already starting to shed and hes going to need a bath soon. Wifi needs to have a good bathing too and that's not going to be fun but it is necessary.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
25 Minutes of Hills
How is training going? Very good.
My training called for 25 minutes of running hills so I got out there and did it. This hill is basically about 1/4 mile long from top to bottom (the hill itself). If I run from home and go 1/2 mile I will got flat, down, up & flat, turn & repeat. I did this a few times; It was the required 25 minutes and I did it in 10.10 minutes per mile.
I got out of bed early this morning to go to the YMCA for a spin class but Lan took forever getting ready and there were NO bikes available again at the class. That made me mad ~ stupid weekenders. Yeah, I'm bring mean, but &*$&^ I wanted to do that class. I wouldn't be upset if they were there all the time. Plus this is MY blog... I would just like it if the lazy assholes would get off their lazy butts and get exercise during the week.
Tomorrow is a day off from exercising so maybe I'll be able to get a spin class in then?? There is one from 10:15-11:00 so we'll see.
My training called for 25 minutes of running hills so I got out there and did it. This hill is basically about 1/4 mile long from top to bottom (the hill itself). If I run from home and go 1/2 mile I will got flat, down, up & flat, turn & repeat. I did this a few times; It was the required 25 minutes and I did it in 10.10 minutes per mile.
I got out of bed early this morning to go to the YMCA for a spin class but Lan took forever getting ready and there were NO bikes available again at the class. That made me mad ~ stupid weekenders. Yeah, I'm bring mean, but &*$&^ I wanted to do that class. I wouldn't be upset if they were there all the time. Plus this is MY blog... I would just like it if the lazy assholes would get off their lazy butts and get exercise during the week.
Tomorrow is a day off from exercising so maybe I'll be able to get a spin class in then?? There is one from 10:15-11:00 so we'll see.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Getting back on track
How is training going? Great, today.
This morning I got up early and hit the YMCA for an hour long strength & stability class, given by Torrey.
Lan and I call the classes she leads Torture Classes because they work us hard. But its all worth it in the end and if I look like her someday in the future I'll be happy. Of course, shes got 15 years on me but so what, I can wish.
We did these things on the Bosu Ball and let me tell you the one I labeled 'side plank' kicked my ass. But we also used weighted balls, mine was 10 lbs. and I had a 9 lb stick or whatever they are called. I was sweating and there were a couple times I just had to stop for a breather. But the classes are getting easier and easier as I do more of them and I'm so happy with that.
I'm NOT happy that I am gaining weight. Still not over 150 but pretty freaking close. I want that number to go DOWN.
Tomorrow I have to run 25 minutes of hills and I live in the perfect place to do it. No matter where I run there are going to be hills. If I go straight out from our farm the road goes exactly 1/2 mile and there is a good down & up hill in the middle of it. I can do hill repeats on it just by running in circles plus I can keep track of how far I go.
As for the horses, my barn girl, C, had bad news. Her grandpa was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer, its in his bones and all throughout his body. Shes going home for the weekend and I am going to encourage her to spend as much time with him as she can because hes not going to be here a lot longer. Poor girl, shes so young. So I'll be cleaning stalls and doing all the turn out myself. Might have to hire someone to ride my horses for me.
This morning I got up early and hit the YMCA for an hour long strength & stability class, given by Torrey.
Lan and I call the classes she leads Torture Classes because they work us hard. But its all worth it in the end and if I look like her someday in the future I'll be happy. Of course, shes got 15 years on me but so what, I can wish.
![]() |
lunge |
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side plank |
I'm NOT happy that I am gaining weight. Still not over 150 but pretty freaking close. I want that number to go DOWN.
Tomorrow I have to run 25 minutes of hills and I live in the perfect place to do it. No matter where I run there are going to be hills. If I go straight out from our farm the road goes exactly 1/2 mile and there is a good down & up hill in the middle of it. I can do hill repeats on it just by running in circles plus I can keep track of how far I go.
As for the horses, my barn girl, C, had bad news. Her grandpa was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer, its in his bones and all throughout his body. Shes going home for the weekend and I am going to encourage her to spend as much time with him as she can because hes not going to be here a lot longer. Poor girl, shes so young. So I'll be cleaning stalls and doing all the turn out myself. Might have to hire someone to ride my horses for me.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Travel lag
How is training going: Not so good
I was so tired last night that I set the alarm for 6pm, not am and slept through my spin class. I didn't wake up till 3 hours later. I was lazy all day and got nothing done, nothing at all. I takes a lot out of me to go on those long hauling trips and I'm going to try to avoid them after this, maybe do one during the summer if I get a full load.
I was so tired last night that I set the alarm for 6pm, not am and slept through my spin class. I didn't wake up till 3 hours later. I was lazy all day and got nothing done, nothing at all. I takes a lot out of me to go on those long hauling trips and I'm going to try to avoid them after this, maybe do one during the summer if I get a full load.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Hauling Cecil to California
How is training going? OK... more below.
This is Cecil. He just moved from Yelm, WA. to Sylmar, CA. He rode down there, 1100 miles, in my trailer. I have a 4 horse slant gooseneck. I take 1 divider out in front so it is a box stall; horses are hauled loose, they can move, turn around, put their heads down, eat, cough, sleep, travel in any direction they want.
Most horses prefer to travel backward if they are in the front stall and forward if they are in the back stall. I guess this is so they can see the other horse easily and it makes them more calm. Cecil was very calm. He is a stallion, 5 years old and has been shown successfully by his owner. His owner, by the way, has a very well known blog, fuglyhorseoftheday, that you might have heard of.
This cute little mare is Sly, she rode down to California with Lan & I last month with another mare that was a rescue from Oregon State University. The rescue mare is doing well at her new owners place now. Sly is learning to be a polo pony with a little buckin' bronc thrown in. She also belongs to Cecils owner.
Cathy is teaching Cecil about the polo stick and he doesn't even care. Right after this photo was taken she got on him bareback and he just walked around. He hadn't been ridden in 6 months and he was fine. Cathy did get a dirty horse butt!
When I take a trip like this one, Washington to Southern California, I like to get it done as safely and fast as possible. I make sure the divider hinges are covered in vet wrap so the horse can't rub on them. I use shavings to absorb urine, for cushion and so the floor isn't slick. I like for the horse to have hay in front of him at all times and each horse gets a bucket half full of water hung in their stall so they can drink at any time. Hay and water are checked every couple hours.
Every time we stop I check the horses for any signs of distress or injury, I open/close windows as needed, check door locks and trailer attachments like lights & the hitch. Before I drive away I always do a walk around to make sure no ramps are down or windows open.
And now my training: Today I didn't get a chance to do any training, instead I drove 624 miles. But yesterday before I left my brothers house I ran for 45 minutes and I did it without stopping. Jeff told me of Mrs Freudensteins philosophy, which is, if you stop running then the run doesn't count. Well, I'm not wasting any more runs! Tomorrow I'm catching another one of those 60 minute spin/strength/stability/core classes. Its going to whoop my ass but its gotta be done.
This is Cecil. He just moved from Yelm, WA. to Sylmar, CA. He rode down there, 1100 miles, in my trailer. I have a 4 horse slant gooseneck. I take 1 divider out in front so it is a box stall; horses are hauled loose, they can move, turn around, put their heads down, eat, cough, sleep, travel in any direction they want.
Most horses prefer to travel backward if they are in the front stall and forward if they are in the back stall. I guess this is so they can see the other horse easily and it makes them more calm. Cecil was very calm. He is a stallion, 5 years old and has been shown successfully by his owner. His owner, by the way, has a very well known blog, fuglyhorseoftheday, that you might have heard of.
This cute little mare is Sly, she rode down to California with Lan & I last month with another mare that was a rescue from Oregon State University. The rescue mare is doing well at her new owners place now. Sly is learning to be a polo pony with a little buckin' bronc thrown in. She also belongs to Cecils owner.
Cathy is teaching Cecil about the polo stick and he doesn't even care. Right after this photo was taken she got on him bareback and he just walked around. He hadn't been ridden in 6 months and he was fine. Cathy did get a dirty horse butt!
When I take a trip like this one, Washington to Southern California, I like to get it done as safely and fast as possible. I make sure the divider hinges are covered in vet wrap so the horse can't rub on them. I use shavings to absorb urine, for cushion and so the floor isn't slick. I like for the horse to have hay in front of him at all times and each horse gets a bucket half full of water hung in their stall so they can drink at any time. Hay and water are checked every couple hours.
Every time we stop I check the horses for any signs of distress or injury, I open/close windows as needed, check door locks and trailer attachments like lights & the hitch. Before I drive away I always do a walk around to make sure no ramps are down or windows open.
And now my training: Today I didn't get a chance to do any training, instead I drove 624 miles. But yesterday before I left my brothers house I ran for 45 minutes and I did it without stopping. Jeff told me of Mrs Freudensteins philosophy, which is, if you stop running then the run doesn't count. Well, I'm not wasting any more runs! Tomorrow I'm catching another one of those 60 minute spin/strength/stability/core classes. Its going to whoop my ass but its gotta be done.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
It's good to stop
How is training going? Good enough. On Thursday morning before I left on this trip I went to the YMCA and did the spin/stability class so I wasn't slacking. I then got no exercise on Friday or Saturday but I did go for a run this morning with my brother.
I am in southern California where the weather is so different from home. At home I am happy if the temps are 40 and here it is 75 today. I was sweating pretty good by the half way time of our run and i had to walk a few times.
I picked up Cathy Atkinsons horse, Cecil, on Thursday and delivered him to Cathy on Friday. I made really good time, even with a 100 mile wrong turn. He was delivered to her Polo farm in Symlar at about 7pm and Cathy was so happy to have him home.
I on the other hand was super tired, having slept only about 3 hours during the trip. I went out for dinner with cathy then we went to Gemini House in Hollywood, where I spent the night. You can check them out online, google it. On Saturday morning I went back to the barn with her for a while. Then I left my trailer at the farm and came to Fallbrook to visit Jeff.
its been a good trip and I'm happy I did this. Not making any money on it, the one person who has horses to go back wont return my calls at all so its looking like I might have to go back empy.
I'm thinking I'll go to the store in a while, get a few things and head back tonight. I really don't want to drive in Monday morning LA traffic.
I am in southern California where the weather is so different from home. At home I am happy if the temps are 40 and here it is 75 today. I was sweating pretty good by the half way time of our run and i had to walk a few times.
I picked up Cathy Atkinsons horse, Cecil, on Thursday and delivered him to Cathy on Friday. I made really good time, even with a 100 mile wrong turn. He was delivered to her Polo farm in Symlar at about 7pm and Cathy was so happy to have him home.
I on the other hand was super tired, having slept only about 3 hours during the trip. I went out for dinner with cathy then we went to Gemini House in Hollywood, where I spent the night. You can check them out online, google it. On Saturday morning I went back to the barn with her for a while. Then I left my trailer at the farm and came to Fallbrook to visit Jeff.
its been a good trip and I'm happy I did this. Not making any money on it, the one person who has horses to go back wont return my calls at all so its looking like I might have to go back empy.
I'm thinking I'll go to the store in a while, get a few things and head back tonight. I really don't want to drive in Monday morning LA traffic.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Hauling plans
How is training going? OK
Its late in the day and I'm going to have to do my 1st day of training on the treadmill. Tomorrow I'm hitting the gym early, going for the 7:30 strength/stability/spin class then hit the road to California. I'll have to print out my next few days training plan so I can take it with me and then hope I have enough time in each day to actually get some training & running in.
I hate these trips sometimes. Tomorrow I'll be hauling a single horse, a stallion, from Yelm, Washington to Symlar, California, near LA. 1 horse is NOT going to pay for even half the fuel I'll use. But I gave her my word and she and I have both been stressing over this for a few days.
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At a rest area in Utah |
All ready for your horse to get in |
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The box stalls are huge, enough room for a large horse to turn around, put its head down, eat, be comfortable. |
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18.2hh Belgium Draft |
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Poor donkey |
Since my trailer is 7'3" tall inside there is plenty of room for these big guys. This is the biggest I've hauled.
I once hauled him and Sunshower for a trail ride, shes 14hh, 18 inches shorter! We went out on trails together and I'm sure people thought I was riding a pony (technically she is) but I didn't care, I love my mare no matter how tall she is. I once hauled the Belgium and a Clydesdale mare at the same time, she was 17hh and fit into the middle stall with tons of room around her. These big ones make Joey look small too.
Snow day
It snowed more than 4 inches last night, turned to rain at 6am. The ankle deep snow has turned to slush and every step produces an outward gush of cold wetness. I'm going to go to the gym today for my first workout.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tomorrow is a big day
Days until my half marathon!
Tomorrow I start my official half marathon training. I know that the plan says to run an easy 20 minutes but I'll do more, go farther and try harder because I can already do more than that. I do have to work late so I'm going to have to hit the gym after work if its still open.
I could always go for a run in the afternoon but that's not the safest thing to do, considering what my job is. I could get up earlier and run on the roads but there is fresh snow falling and the drivers around here are complete idiots, they would run over me. So I might have to run on the treadmill. No matter how I do it, I WILL run and I will do everything else my training calls for, including weights, strength, cardio, swimming, cross training.
My brother was a United State Marine for 30 years and a long time ago, back in the 80's, he ran in the Marine Corp Marathon, in formation, carrying a United States flag. There is a magazine cover with a photo of my brother and his fellow Marines running, it was a few years after he did it before he even saw the cover. Mom has it now, hanging on her wall. How cool is that?
Monday, January 10, 2011
Events & Charities
Most of the events I've done have advertised that proceeds go to charity. Today I found a race nearby that is being put on by BuDu Racing, the Five Mile Lake Triathlon in Federal Way, WA. Its not too far away from home and I know the area so thought I'd find out what charity they are donating to and how much of the proceeds go to the charity.
I contacted them through their website:
I am inquiring about the Five Mile Lake Triathlon in Auburn on July 2nd. I am wondering if proceeds go to a charity, and if so which one? and how much of my entry fee would be going to charity and how much to race organizers? I like to keep my money going to local charities and I'd like to race in your race.
and got an email back from Deanna at BuDu which did not answer my question; here is her reply:
I contacted them through their website:
I am inquiring about the Five Mile Lake Triathlon in Auburn on July 2nd. I am wondering if proceeds go to a charity, and if so which one? and how much of my entry fee would be going to charity and how much to race organizers? I like to keep my money going to local charities and I'd like to race in your race.
and got an email back from Deanna at BuDu which did not answer my question; here is her reply:
Denise, as our flier and online registration show, a portion of the proceeds do benefit the NW JDRF association, however, we are a for profit company.
I don't have a problem with a for profit company but she didn't answer my question of how much of my registration dollars go to charity.
Denise, in the past, we have given 8-10% to JDRF at our events. For Five Mile Lake we have given around 10% to the volunteer organization, as well as 20% to King County for the use of the park. Additionally, we give 5% to the Explorer Scouts, who help with the roads, so that is almost 45% of the proceeds that go out before the event expenses are even included. Since we are a for profit organization, I am not sure what else you need to be able to feel that your money is going to used properly.
Deanna Muller
USA Triathlon Certified Race Director
BuDu Racing - Event Management
Join BuDu Racing on FaceBook
I don't think I am going to race in her race, just simply because it took 2 emails to get the information out of her and it should have been cut and dried and why isn't it on their website where everyone can read it without having to register for the event. She should also be proud of the donation, not acting like its something to hide.
This is why I don't want to race in Danskin & Trek any longer. Registration fees are $123 (2010) and only 10% went to charity. Somethings wrong with this picture. Don't use breast cancer as a way to make YOU rich. I can go out and run somewhere for fun and donate $100 to a charity and they will get all of it. Yeah, that wouldn't be as fun, running by myself. I know there are some hefty expenses involved in organizing races but I'd still like more than $13 out of my $123 to go to charity. Especially since for Danskin last year there were over 3000 women. Out of $369,000 brought in only $39,000 went to Breast Cancer Research.
In 2009 Lan and I did the Chelanman Multi Sport Weekend and both completed out first tri's, we did the try a tri. All the proceeds for that entire weekend go to the local hospital.
As a member of the Kitsap Tri Babes I have raced in the Tri Turtle Tri where MOST of the proceeds went to a local charity. Each week at our 2 training days we donate to a local cause, one day it might be for a sister Tri Babe who broke an arm and the next time it might be for a headstone for a man riding his bike who got hit by a car on a road we had just ridden on. Our leader, Lisa, chooses who the money is going to go to. There are no set amounts to donate and you don't have to donate at all. Last year I think she charged $85 for the triathlon entry fee and we knew who the proceeds were going to and Lisa also gives us a breakdown at the end of each season of how much was collected and how much was given away. It doesn't get better than this. Lisa is NOT getting rich off our donations and I so appreciate this.
Kitsap Tri Babes also volunteer to clean the park where we swim & hold the Tri Turtle. We pick up trash, replace toilet paper, clean bathrooms, etc. About half of each weeks cash donations are given to our local park district in support of Wildcat Lake, to keep it open for not only our use but the entire community to use.
I'll keep looking for triathlons and running events that are close to home and I'll be verifying before i sign up exactly how much the charity is getting.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
My Bikes
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Rock Hopper at Tiger Mountain Summit. That was a good ride, once I made it up the million mile long gravel road. |
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Rock Hopper in Colorado. |
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Rock Hopper Somewhere along the road to the 401 trail. |
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Mtn Bikes After a ride in the Nevada desert |
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Specialized Allez At one of the triathlons in 2010. |
My tack room
I have a nice tack room. Its a shed that I traded a horse for; its got insulation, electricity, a nice window, locking door, saddle racks, bridle hooks, shelves. I painted the walls and added a pretty strip of wall paper with running horses on it. When I first got the shed I traded this horse, Justin, for it. I didn't know how good of a horse he was till it was too late.
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Just A Dose Of Khemo, half Arabian/Morgan gelding |
Just the bare bones really, flooring was ripped up, big barn doors on one end, no window. We added insulation to the walls, the window, another man door that is where this white shelf is in this photo. We put in a dividing wall so there is a different area for grains & supplements from the saddle & tack.
New vinyl |
IKEA shelves, hold a ton of stuff |
SOME of the saddle & tack we have in there |
I used a Knotty Pine wooden trim on the walls and ceiling to make it look rustic.
All of the saddle racks and bridle hooks are black.
I have a lot of stuff on the IKEA shelves, its perfect for all the small things.
I use a small space heater in winter along with a ceiling fan to circulate the air to prevent mold & mildew. There are a couple electrical plug ins in the tack room side so I can charge batteries, use additional lights, extension cords, clippers, etc.
The ceiling light/fan are small and just the right size for the room but if its turning you better not be putting a saddle on a top rack!
I cut all the boards for the walls and window trim myself and it doesn't look too bad. I also painted the outside man door red, my favorite color. Its got a brass handle and I'd love a brass kick plate someday. I need to paint the outside to match the barn.
We live on a dead end road so once in a while there are undesirables who park out on the road. Most of the time there is nothing happening but they freak me out so there is now a lock on the tack room door, you need the combination to get in. Works perfectly for all of us, gives the boarders security. I've had my saddle stolen before and was lucky to get it back so this is nice.
I've put a fold down saddle rack on the front beside the door so its easier to tack up and the whip holder is close to the arena. The small deck is nice for if a mom wants to watch her daughter ride, or for just chilling while your horse frolics in the arena. I've sat out there in the sunshine just to read a few times.
What I would have done differently if I had known then what I know now:
I wish I had not used the other end for a feed room, I wish I had made the entire thing a tack room. I could certainly use the space now. All the western saddles are too heavy for the racks I had purchased so some of them have to be on tack trunks. I've had to get rid of a lot of my own tack to make room for the boarders items. The barn gutters are blocked underground where they drain and water splashes onto the step by the feed room entrance, I'm not happy about that but Lan has been working on it. It just needs to be blown out and rehooked to the drain field. The front door is now red. its got that same stoop and the door still gets icky stuff on it, I wonder if a small porch roof would help? I don't want anything the horses could get hurt on and they are my first priority.
The feed room end
I still use the barn doors on the end of the shed to access the feed room portion of the shed. I put shelves on the left hand wall that hold odds & ends, buckets, scoops, lights, big tools. On the right hand back corner there is a cupboard which has supplements on top and more tools & things inside it. There are garbage cans for the grains. Its really cramped inside but we make do. The electrical on this end of the shed doesn't work, the pigtails were never attached to power so I have to run an extension cord from the tack room, over the wall to a ceiling light. I used this room for 3 years without light! There is a light switch that I would LOVE to be able to use to turn the light on/off and I'd really enjoy having use of the outside porch light on dark nights.
What I had before the tack room
Old feed room in barn |
After I added saddle racks |
There was a small 8x10 room inside the barn across from my wash rack that was a feed/storage room. It worked well enough for the previous owners but I wanted security and more space. The tack room was the stall next to this, it had lockers with saddle racks in them and each one had its own shelf. It wasn't secure at all, anyone could just go in it and do whatever they wanted.
And I wanted that stall as a stall.
And then I wanted a tack room.
And then I needed a foaling stall so we used this space to add to the stall to make this 18x10, plenty of room for my small mare to foal out or a bigger horse to hang out if they need more space than our other stalls offer.
I have made it perfectly clear to Lan that when we move I am taking my tack room with me. It was moved here on a flatbed trailer and it will be moved again. The only way I'll leave it behind is if the new farm has a bigger and better tack room thats already there. I put so much work into this shed and Im not about to just dump it now.
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