Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its kicking my butt

How is training going? Training has amped up.

Today training called for 20 minutes of easy cross training so I did the torture class which is hard. Tuesdays is Torreys hard day; heavier weights, slower more controlled movements. I used the 8 lb weights for all but 1 set of arms work, yay. Lan had 10 lb weights and I think he was hurting.

We also rode the spin bikes, as usual, for the first 30 minutes of the class and I honestly had the bike above the 80% she was asking for for more than half the class.

After the misery of yesterdays run I know I need to be working harder all week to make the weekends easier. I was so tired yesterday after my 6.2 mile run that I had a 2 hour nap last night then made myself stay up till 9pm before going to bed and sleeping all the way through till 6:30 this morning. I woke up right before the alarm went off so I knew I had to get out of bed and go to the class.  Lucky me, tomorrow is a rest day.

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