Saturday, March 5, 2011

No running today but I'm tired.

How is training going? I call this cross training.

I cleaned the barn today. Deep down cleaning. I pulled up the rubber mat's and got the dirt, hay, poop & sand out from under them and it was GROSE. Ick.  Here is a photo with some of the stuff from part of Patti's stall...
This stuff was heavy but mostly sand so I threw it back out into the run. I also moved this matt over to the left so its evened out.

Wifi got a good grooming and she shed a ton of hair. Before:

Her tail is so long and thick, I love it.

Here is Wifi's back with it half way groomed, the right side is done.

Here it is 3/4 groomed.

This is blurry but that's hair on her, with about 5 strokes of the shedding blade I got off that much hair.

This is how much hair I got off her today, about the size of Bunny Foo Foo.

A kissable nose.

another kissable nose.

Sunshower got a good grooming too but she didn't shed nearly as much.
We went for a ride today and all was going well till Page showed us her new dressage whip. Sunshower is absolutely terrified of whips and she almost dumped me trying to get away from it but I stayed on and got her to settle down. Poor girl, someone must have whipped her pretty badly before she came here.

Wifi likes her Lik-Its a LOT. She has if all figured out, how to get it to balance on her teeth so she can lick & chew it. Shes eaten entire Lik-its in less than 2 hours before. This one will take 3 hours, I hope anyway.

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