Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Running after 2 weeks off

How it training going? Good today.

After work today I got out there and ran 3.1 miles around our neighborhood. This was my first time out in 2 weeks because I took the time off to give my hip flexor time to heal. It didn't but I'm going to keep at it. I'm not going to work on speed at all, also no hills up or down, just endurance for now. After I compLETE the half marathon I'll take time off to let it heal completely and I'll continue to strengthen my core.

It's so good to see the number going up again in my miles ran widget!  I'm up to 70 for the year, yay. Not a lot compared to a lot of other people but for me that is so good. It feels good and its a positive feeling for me.

I won't be able to go to the class at the YMCA tomorrow because I have to be in Seattle at 9am so I'll have to see about catching one later in the day.

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