Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When friends blog

How is training going? Good.

I cross trained today but not at the gym. I sold 2 truck loads of composted horse manure (yes, my horses DO make me money!!) and I had to deliver and shovel it out of the trucks. The first load was in my little Ford Ranger

but the second load was in my Dodge 1 ton  and it was a lot bigger, probably 50% more than the Ranger had in it. My arms were beat when I was finished unloading. But I did get a workout and for that I am glad.

I had another person who wanted manure today but Lan told me to wait on it, its not done composting so I had to postpone their delivery. I hope they don't just go someplace else for a load. Lan turned all of ours and has it all covered up again and we'll check it out in another month. There are a lot of farms around here that give away free manure but with most of them you have to shovel it into your truck yourself. I have a tractor to load it into my truck and I charge for the delivery.

As for the title of this post, my friend, Kris, is now blogging about her Iron(WO)man training. Shes got just over 150 days to go. I've never met Kris before, I just know her on FaceBook and through our mutual friend, Linda. I will be meeting Kris this weekend right after my swimming workshop and I am looking forward to it. Kris makes me laugh every day on FB and I've enjoyed her new blog. Shes working her ass off to complete the Coeur d'Alene and here I whine about a measly half Marathon. If she can do an entire Ironman then I need to shut the fuck up and get my ass out there and run for my little 13.1 miles.

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