Friday, March 4, 2011

How do I fix this?

How is training going? Crap

I tried to run today but after a mile my hip flexor started hurting, a lot. I mean, A LOT. I've been reading stuff on the internet and they all say to not run through the pain so now I'm going to need to go to a doctor. Or maybe Michelle can tell me what to do.

I did get a good pilates/core class in this morning and it felt good. Torrey is no longer doing the Friday morning classes at the YMCA so I enjoyed doing it with LuAnn and 4 other people.  This is one of the stretches we did and it is a good one for stretching the flexor muscles:

Unfortunately I wasn't able to run more than 1 mile before it started hurting & that makes me upset. All I want to do is complete this one half marathon and I will stop training for farther distances. I do have an extra month of training time so if I could take 2 weeks off to heal & start back up after that I could do it. I'll have to discuss this with Lan.

In the barn I have noticed that Wifi is changing into her spring colors but this year shes got graying eyebrows. I'll have to get a photo of her before its too late, gotta document my various colors filly.

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