Sunday, March 20, 2011

Running through the pain

How is training going? Painful.

I ran twice this last week for a total of 7 miles. I should be able to easily do that far in 1 day by now but with the pain in my hip I don't know if I can go any farther than that. Its scary, I don't want to hurt myself too much and be stupid about it but on the other hand I want to get this half marathon off my bucket list.

One & done.

Tomorrow my training plan calls for me to run an easy 1hr 15 min so I'll go down to Beach Drive and run there. Its totally flat, no hills, period. That, however, is still a very short run time. Last week or the week before I should have been able to run for over 2 hours. Sigh. I'll get this done, I just don't want to have a permanent injury from it.
Lan is in the yellow jersey

My wonderful husband was in the 3rd of 6 mtn bike races in a mtn bike race series and today took 1st place in the Clydesdale division. He is the only man to race in all 3 of the races so far and he is in the lead, point wise. He gets 95 for each of his 2nd places and 100 for today's 1st place. If he races in all 6 of the races they will get an additional 15 points. They will also take away his worst score so he could theoretically not go to one race and still win.  My bosses husband made it only to the 1st race, not the last 2 and I know hes not going to the next one on Whitbey Island so he is completely out of it.

The experts went first and did 4 laps then they started the sport division. Then at 11:30 they started age groupe, women and the Clydesdales. It was funny, these 3 fat guys passed me a couple minutes before Lan did and I was sure they were ahead of him but he won, Lan almost lapped them! how cool is that?

 Lan racing in the mud.

About the horses:

Wifi is doing well in her training. Meghan has been out 3 times this week, lunging each time. Yesterday we put the saddle on her and lunged with it for the 1st time and she did not care at all. She's had a saddle on before but not cinched up and lunged in it. She was tied for an hour with the old english saddle on her back but nothing like this. Wifi is getting a good workout each time too so shes settling down more in her stall.

Cassie decided/was coerced into having Patti barefoot even though Cassie knows it wont help the mare. Sad thing about it is that Evan things its perfectly OK to browbeat his girlfriend. Asshat.

All the horses are shedding heavily so are getting daily grooming. If it were warmer than 45 degrees I'd bathe them to help get the hair off but now its supposed to rain again for the next 2 days, then I work, then more rain. Aaahhhhh!

Wifi is a horse of many colors. Her birth color was blood bay. At 4 months I body clipped her and she was a beautiful gray underneath. Her winter coat was bay, spring was white with black points and summer was gray. It seems in the winters she is bay/roan with black points, spring she sheds the bay but holds the shite for a couple weeks, then sheds to her summer gray. This spring I'm seeing gray on her face that wasn't there before.  I wonder if she'll be gray before shes 10?

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