Monday, March 7, 2011

This cross training is nice

How is training going? Well.

I cleaned the barn again today, had to dump 3 carts of manure and hay. These horses need to eat more of the food they are given.
I was able to get onto Sunshower and ride yesterday for the first time in a long while. She was good and that made me happy.

Some really good news; Wifi is officially signed up for training, yay. Meghan will put a week into her with a horsey BOOT CAMP and later Vicki Lindgren at LWM stable will start her. The reason I chose Vicki is because I do not want Meghan to get hurt and I'm so scared that Wifi will buck off the first person who gets onto her back. Meghan does not need to be hurt and I seriously don't care too much if Vicki gets hurt. I mean, I do care but she knows what shes doing.

When Joey was started I sent him to LuAnn and he bucked her off, almost broke her arm, he did break the fence in the arena throwing her through it.

I will be hauling Wifi over to LWM so Vicki has a chance to meet her ans see what shes all about. Its going to be a big day for my baby girl. I won't be leaving her there then, it will just be for the day. Vicki wants to start training her in June so that gives me time to do more ground work. I'll saddle her more, I'll tie her. I'll sit on the arena fence and hold her so she can hear my voice above her head. I might decide to pony her off Sunshower but probably not because Wifi might just decide to rear up onto Sunshower back. But she might not, I haven't seen her do anything like that since she was a foal. Sunshower doesn't put up with that kind of stuff.

When bringing The Pie out of one stall into his own I had to stop, open his door & step back and noticed how well trained he is, he stepped back with me. He never pushes or pulls on the lead, never freaks out.

This afternoon I met Linda at the school track and we walked for an hour while her son was in swimming lessons. We did more than a mile but less than 2 at a good pace. I'm glad I went, it was great to see her and get some exercise in at the same time.

Shes been teasing me all week about something she got for me that's purple & 'kinda clothing' and I made a million guesses but didn't get it. Then yesterday she said I could wear it as a headband if I wanted to and this afternoon I figured it out. I'm so excited, its this seasons SURVIVOR buffs!!!!

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