Monday, March 28, 2011

Its been a week

How is training going? Sigh.

I haven't been able to run due to my hip flexor. If I do run its OK for a while but after about 5 miles its sore and then hurts for the rest of the day and the next day too. I'm scared of permanent injury if I keep it up.

I'll keep trying to run but I am sure what I really need is to strengthen my core before I attempt my first half marathon. but I am going to participate in the Tacoma City run because its already paid for. I'll be damned if I give them money for nothing and they are FOR PROFIT so don't offer any refunds.

Lan won the Clydesdale division at the mtn bike race this last Sunday. here he is at the start of the race.

Cooking in the Kettles @ Whidbey Island's Fort Ebey State Park

This guy was racing down the spot where I froze my ass off waiting for Lan.
  The guy who was ahead of him stopped to help a guy who crashed and broke his collar bone. Last week the guys bike broke and he had to walk out.
Lan with a mere 100 yards remaining in the race.
 This means Lan is going to win the cash award for the race series, all he has to do is show up at one of the 2 remaining races.
 He will go, he will race and he will try his hardest to win again.
Here is my bike, waiting for me as I wait for Lan to race past me so I could take his photo. Unfortunately I missed him and got a blur of back spokes.

  This is a gnarly tree I saw, just HAD to take a photo of it.

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