Saturday, March 12, 2011

Seattle Bike Expo

How is training going? not.

Lan & I went with Steve & Linda to Seattle today for the Seattle Bike Expo on Pier 91. We rode the ferry over from Bremerton and just went up the road a ways. Lan & I were there last year so we knew what to expect but this was a first for Steve & Linda. We all enjoyed the upstairs a lot but the down stairs had the Socks.

Socks. I am a sock whore, I'll do anything for a cute new pair of socks. I found one vendor with wool socks, 3 pair for $10 so Lan got 1 & I got 2. Then we found the vendor with the irregular socks, most of them made by The Sock Guy. At 6 for $20 you can't beat the price either. They are all colors and designs and there are several pair for everyone. I found 6 more for Lan & I, that took about 20 minutes. I swear, Linda & Steve were there for another half hour.

When Lan was able to drag us away from the socks we went over to the museum they have set up and saw some cool bikes.

Then we all went to Ivars for fish & chips. Yum. So NOT on our diets!

Lan took us to Recycled Bikes and a used sporting goods store next door and Linda and I duked it out.

Linda got me in my 6 pack abs
Lindas lucky I didn't knock her tooth out!
we kept at it

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