Monday, April 11, 2011

Its been 2 weeks since I posted

How is training going? I'm getting a do-over.

That's right, I'm taking a do over for my half marathon training. I'm still going to complete the Tacoma City Half marathon but only because it's already paid for. Otherwise I would postpone it.

My hip flexor is not right and I'm not going to ignore the pain. Today I ran a very easy 30 minutes & got in 2.25 miles. No strain, just a little discomfort in the hip. But its still there.  Tomorrow I'll see a physical therapist and ask her what I should do.

I'm already taking 2 core classes at the YMCA each week and I'll be doing 3 days per week for 3 weeks a Boot Camp so that should help me a lot to strengthen my core.

This mornings run was in nice sunny weather, totally enjoyable.

This morning I took my horses Joey & Sunshower out to Banner Forest and Sarah joined us for a ride.

The horses went almost 4 miles at a walk and both were DONE at the end of it. I will be sure to lunge them both tomorrow because last week when I walked the same 4 miles I had sore/crampy calfs the next day. All I will have sore on me from today's ride is my sit bones, aka SADDLE SORE.
Sarah rode Joey for the first half of the ride then we switched horses. I like riding both of them a lot and he is such a nice trail horse.

This is a view I will never get tired of looking at.

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