Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm meeting Phil Keoghan tomorrow

I'm meeting Phil Keoghan tomorrow in Seattle.

He is the host of The Amazing Race on CBS, one of the shows I watch religiously and wish I cold get on to.

Linda found out he is going to be in Seattle for his movie 'No Opportunity Wasted'. Beforehand, he will be meeting fans so Linda and I have printed out a few photos for him to sign for us. One looks like this:
The awesome lady in the photo is Kris Parks. Kris met Phil in Dallas last month and we thought it would be cool to have him sign her photo and we'll send it to her. How cool is that??  Kris has 9 more weeks of training until she does her one & only IRONMAN triathlon.

Linda is taking her husband Steve and her son Brayden and I am taking Lan. We're hoping we can get into Seattle on the 3pm ferry out of Bremerton and then go to the Smith Tower for a viewing of the city. Smith Tower is right across the road from the Coleman Ferry Dock where we will land and within walking distance of the theater where we will be meeting Phil.

My half marathon is in 6 days and I'm not looking forward to it at all.

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