Thursday, April 21, 2011

Running sucks

How is training going? I'll be walking the whole damn thing.

In order to not re-injure my hip or make the current pain worse, I will walk most of the Tacoma City Half Marathon. I walked 4 miles with Linda last week and the next day experienced calf cramps so this will suck no matter what; can't run for any reason. *sigh*

I do have some good news though that I'm more than happy to share.

Last weekend I raced in a mountain bike race and LOVED IT!!!!! It was the last race in the winter series that Lan has been doing for the last few months, I raced in the beginner category.

I got 5th out of 7 women my age, whoo hoo.  They started us a little after 10am along with all the little kids. I made a huge mistake by being nice and letting too many of the buggers get in front of me. They have no trail sense, wouldn't move over, always crashing in the trail.

 I am very happy to say I can't wait to do another one. Lan and I have been looking for one in the next couple weeks but they are hard to find. There are lots of calendars but they all have different lists of races so nothing is coordinated.
Lan got 2nd in this race but he took 1st place overall in the Clydesdale division for the whole series. I'm very proud of him.
Here he is with Pat Ellis, the man who got 2nd place in the series. Pat is a super nice guy, always smiling. we wouldn't mind running into him again out on trails.

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