Sunday, February 13, 2011

You Knock My Socks Off

How is training going? Good, raced today.

Lan and I and a lot of friends ran in the You Knock My Socks Off 4 mile run in Gig Harbor today. Lan hasn't trained for running at all in 2 years and he beat me!  He turned around at the end and came back to run across the finish line with me.

This is my husband, Lan, before the race.
This is the Banks family, Linda, Steve & son Brayden. They ran too and this is before the race. 
 Here is Lan & me before the race.
 Lan took this shot at the end, right when he came back for me. Hes such a sweet guy.
  My red after race face.
 The Banks Family, after the race.
 Lan after the race, looks like he could go out and do it again.
True love: Steve let Linda hold onto his jacket and he pulled her up the hill. I wasn't expecting an 8% uphill for 1/4 mile but I did run as much of it as I could before I had to walk. And it was on the way back with just 1.25-ish miles remaining. But still. I should have been able to run the whole thing.

Our friend (my FB friend, I've never met her yet) and Lindas true to life friend, Kris, did the NOLA Marathon today, she has a post of her medal. Way Cool.

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