Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lans Sunday race

Today was the Dash Point State Park mtn bike race. Lan was in the Clydesdale category and took 2nd place, yay.

 This photo is of the Expert riders, they started riding at 9am when it was still only about 32 degrees out and the course was 'dry' and quick. They made 3.5 laps in about an hour. I was able to get photos from the starting area then walk down the trail 1/3 mile to a great view point where I got tons of video.

The #20 guy is my boss's husband who just happened to be at the same race as us. I have no  idea how he did in placings but it was fun to cheer him on.

I got photos of him but lost all of the ones I took of my own husband. There are a lot of videos but it takes a lifetime to upload them to this site so I deleted them, sorry.

Clydesdale's started last, at 11:45 and by then it had warmed up enough to make a lot of mud. There were about 300 riders in the whole race so all those tires and the 'warmth' made is gooey and slick. Lan did very well and we were both happy with his results since he hasn't raced since 1997. He did 2.5 laps in his category.

I considered racing but didn't because I have only been to 1 other mtn bike race, in 1997.  :)   And today it was too cold, I'm still not 100% after last weeks flu, it was too cold, Lan needed me for his support person, it was too cold and OK, I felt lazy.   But I did a heck of a lot of running around taking photos so thats kinda like I was racing. Or not.

As I was taking photos and video I kept hearing people yelling Oohhhhhh! so I made my way over to a position near the finish of the race and there was a good crash site. Mud and roots created a nice dip next to a haphazard little bridge of varying sizes and a lot of guys were going over the handlebars. Lan made it through on the last lap while I was there and got it on video but I missed the one he almost crashed on. Glad I wasn't there for that.

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