Thursday, February 17, 2011

Back at it

How is training going? Only OK.

Last night I got on the bike trainer and watched TV for a half hour, just to get myself moving again. I wasn't 100% over the flu but I needed to move. I did about 60% for the entire half hour, nothing more. At the end of it I was a little tired but not overly so.

This morning I made it to Torreys Torture class where I was able to do about 80% effort on the spin portion but only about 40% of the strength, I actually had to just go sit out part of the strength part because I felt light headed and my tummy was irritated. My training has suffered in the last few days, I owe 1.25 hours of running already and today is supposed to be 45 minutes of medium running, which I'm not even going to attempt.

This flu has kicked my ass.

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