Friday, February 4, 2011

Choke in a horse

How is training going? I'm not feeling well. Didn't run today, yet.

Just as C was leaving tonight, I mean, she wasn't even out of first gear pulling away, I realized The Pie was choking. I had to run up to the house and yell for Lan to come help me in the barn. Poor Pie, he had snot all over & was rolling outside in his run. Lan & I brought him into his stall and spent 5 minutes trying to give him some mineral oil which Lan was finally able to get into The Pies mouth. I think all the stress of fighting us about the oil is what finally dislodged the food in his throat. Now for dinner The Pie only gets a handful of soaked grass but I'll go out later and give him some more, and he'll get his usual amount in the morning~ but still soaked.

The first time I experienced Choke I wasn't even there. Wifi was staying over at Amys house with Argo. I had been by to visit that afternoon & on the way home Andy called, said the vet was on her way there. I went back and there was snot everywhere but by then Wifi was much better. The vet came out, gave her a gallon of mineral oil, supplied me with 10 days SMZ's and charged me $350.

The second time it was Sunshower. This time I had a clue what to do and I had also just read an article earlier that week in a magazine, which just happened to still be out in the barn. So I tried to clean her throat by hand but she wasn't having any of that so Lan then helped me shoot some water into her mouth with a syringe. It worked, it got dislodged. She got wet food that night too and the days afterward.

It has happened to Sunshower a few times since then so I always keep mineral oil on hand for choke and colic. The vets charge $20 for a gallon of it and I can get a quart for $2.50 so I stock up regularly. I know they can still get pneumonia but I can't have the vet coming out once a month for this. The only thing the vet does that I don't do is the SMZ's and if they don't get sick then its wasted money. If he does get sick then I will call the vet.

As for training, I am feeling exceptionally tired and am not motivated to run, not at all. I'll go get my clothes on now and get on the treadmill but I wont be happy about it, lol.

Oh yeah, LOVE our new bed. I woke up during the night and the first thing I realized was that I was warm underneath me, not just on top. I felt like I was in a heated nest, cozy and everything. Yay new bed.

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