Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A much needed day off

How is training going? I feel good today.

I had the day off training today but had no access to internet all day so thought I was missing a training day so was a little stressed out. After I got home at 5pm I found out its my day off & now I'm relaxed. Whew. I hate making it up later.

I bought a new mattress and its sitting out in my truck, waiting for me to bring it into the house. Got some rearranging to do first. I can't wait to get it all set up so I can get a good nights sleep. I do plan on getting a memory foam topper for it too.

I also have a cold coming on, the kids were both sick plus their mom too so I have finally got it. They have been sick before and I avoided catching all their crud but not this time. I've got the scratchy throat, gravely voice, cough, headache earlier. This is going to suck because I never get sick so when I do I whine.

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