Thursday, February 10, 2011

Planning for exercise & horses

I had to work again today so didn't have time for my scheduled workout but that's OK. I have tomorrow off and I will do it then. Then on Saturday, when I should be doing another long or hard run, I will have a rest day because I'll be in class all day and I can do that run on Sunday.

Actually, Sunday is the You Knock My Socks Off Valentines Run in Gig Harbor and Lan & I will both be there to run. Its 4 miles and it will be a good change from running by myself. Linda & Steve and their son Brayden will be running too and we should have a good time.  I told Linda I'm going to tie Braydens shoe strings together so he can't run faster than me, the little turkey. Hes only about 11, shouldn't be faster than me. Lol.

Course InfoOut and back 4 mile race starts and finishes at 6565 Kimball Dr across park and ride.   Most of it goes on the NEW portion of the Cushman Trail!  Run solo or as a team of 2 to compete for some great prizes!  If you're on a team you must cross finish line together.  Race starts at 8:45am.

Lan & I picked up our shirts & race packets a couple weeks ago so we're all set, just gotta get tot he venue, drop off our canned food and run.

There is a chance I might be hauling a horse tomorrow for another rescue. This is a 10 yr old pinto gelding thats at the ESP and if this lady doesn't purchase him, he will end up going to slaughter. He looks like too nice a horse to let that happen and I'm really hoping it works out for the lady& the horse.

Nerissa is giving her horse, Junior, away. he is a 21 yr old TB gelding that shes had for the last 3 years or so. Hes either been lame or under weight every time I've seen him and she has no qualms about riding him like that. Shes lamed up at least 5 horses in the last couple years. But she has apparently found someone in Leavenworth to take him and they want me to deliver him next week. If I do it I'm going to tell the person taking him that instead of giving him back to her to please have him put down becuase Nerissa is NOT a good place for this horse to be. Sounds harsh but shes irresponsible. There is NO reason for her horses to be 200-300 lbs underweight when there is hay in the barn.

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