Monday, February 7, 2011

Running in the rain

How is training going? Very good.

This morning I was able to catch Buds YMCA spin class, 45 minutes. We 'rode' from Gig Harbor to Green Bay to participate in the big Super Bowl Party. Warm up from here to Snoqualmie Pass then fast spinning over to Boise. Then up & over the Rockies then more up over the Matterhorn. Then down & fast spinning through Dakotas then we were almost there.
Bud always has good 70's & 80's rock music and has a theme, like todays. Before Thanksgiving he had us working off our Thanksgiving meals, one item per week.

I came home & cleaned the whole barn, chased a few horses around the arena, relaxed. The weather was nice, dry and not windy at all. Then I went out to run my required 5k (5k in 45 minutes) and it was pouring! So I bucked up and got it done. I thought I had enough road to run on neighborhood roads; go to the end, turn & go half way back, turn & go to the end then come home but I was .05 mile short. Dang. But I did 3.05 in 33:16 and I was happy with that. I wasn't trying to go fast and there were a few hills to go up.
I got soaked and my hands were cold for the first 2 miles but then I got hot.
I'm glad I did it and running in the rain really isn't any colder than running in just cold weather. They are saying its supposed to be dry for the next 3 days so lets hope so.

Tomorrow I hope to catch Torreys YMCA spin/strength class then I'm heading out to Enumclaw with my small horse trailer to pick up a mare & haul her to Moses Lake. If I get to Vantage in time I'll stop by the rest area and visit with Cindi.

Cindi and I became friends 31 years ago and we got reconnected last year on FaceBook. I had seen her a couple times over the years but now we 'talk' all the time. Last summer Abby & I went on a fun 4 day weekend with Cindi & the 'Pussy Posse', I can give you details about that another time.

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