Saturday, February 12, 2011

Green River

How is training going? Rest day today, race tomorrow.

Today after class Lan and I rode our bikes along the Green River. Yes, THE Green River, The infamous river that Gary Ridgeway used to hide his many, many dead victims. But we weren't looking for dead bodies nor have we ever met that freak. We just happened to be in Kent and had an hour before the rain started. Lucky us.
 Lan rode his bike across this bridge but I walked mine across it, for two reasons. One is that I wanted to take photos and he was impatient, wanted to get back to the car before it rained heavily. Second was that I was scared of getting a tire stuck in the grate and crashing. He said I could get hurt worse getting a cleat stuck in it so that's something to think about next time.

Tonight we got to take my handsome son & his beautiful girlfriend out to dinner, he turned 27 two days ago.  I love them.

Christine & R2

Reagan on The Pie
Yesterday Sarah brought her girls over and we ride Sunshower and The Pie. For a pony with 'no brakes', 'busting through gates' and 'skittish' he is pretty nice and calm. Sarahs 5 year old daughter, Reagan, rode him by herself and had him going over poles and doing figure 8's around cones. It was SO COOL.

The Pie was a $100 pony.

I do need to come up with a different way to steer him, I don't like that the halter slips around on his face so badly. I have his bit and a bridle thats small enough for him but Reagan hangs on his face too much to give her a bit but she is fearless and made him go where she wanted him to go.

Tomorrow is the You Knock My Socks Off 4 mile race in Gig Harbor. I guess we will have more friends there than we had know of before so it will be great fun, even if it rains buckets. Linda and Steve have invited us out for lunch afterward.

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