Thursday, February 24, 2011

Treadmill workout

How is training going?  So so.

My training plan called for 50 minutes of medium speed work, warm up, 3 minutes fast, 3 slow x 3 sets, cool down. Since there is now snow and ice on the roads I'm not going to run on the roads (some idiot will hit me for sure) so I had to run on the treadmill at the gym.

I went to the YMCA for Torreys class but she didn't make it in & some guy was leading the class so I skipped it. got on the treadmill and spent a few minutes figuring it out. Still don't have it down pat. It wouldn't let me do the workout above so I did the 'heart' one, 5 minutes easy, 5 hard, 5 easy, 5 harder & add a little hill, 5 easy, 5 harder & more hill. Next time I must use the machine I'll do it manually.

On the way home I stopped and got 2 bags of shavings, its going to be extremely cold tonight so I'm bundling up all the horses, padding their stalls & closing all the doors. They are saying it will get down to 18 degrees in Seattle and its usually a bit colder here. Yikes.

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