Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spin & Strength went well...

How is training going?  Started the day out well and then it went to hell.

I wasn't able to do my run, just could not get into it & my left ankle kept cramping. After the Achilles tendon issues I 'ran thru' last year, only to injure them badly, I do not mess around with burning pain. When the pain started I just walked and completed a measly 1.6 miles, mostly at a walk. My training called for a 40 minute run so I'm going to complete it tomorrow.

Today I did complete the spin/strength class at the YMCA and that whole class felt good. Thursday is endurance day so I surprised myself when i was about to do all of the 50 sit ups on the stability ball (even though I wasn't very stable) and everything else as well. I need to get some dedicated GYM shoes, the ones I wear from home always have chicken shit on the soles & leave messes on the gym floor.

Torrey asked who was going to do the Sound to Narrows so I raised my hand. Its Saturday June 11, 2011. 7.6 miles. Its 6 weeks after I will finish my half marathon so 7.6 should feel like a walk in the park. Its too early to register online yet but I've got it penciled onto my calendar.

Its a good thing I live in the same area as this race or I'd die from the hills. Could you imagine living in Nebraska and trying to run a hilly course? That would suck.
Here is the course. The top of it is where Fort Nisqually is located, I played there a lot when I was a kid. Mom used to take us out to Point Defiance (that's the name of this park, in Tacoma, Washington) to play when I was in elementary school. At least once a month we went there and I seriously thought we owned it. Most of it is surrounded by Puget Sound so there are excellent views everywhere you look. I can't wait for the race, I'll definately take pictures.
Thank goodness they aren't making us go down into Owens Beach, the climb out of there would stop any sane person from running in the race.

I need to go add it to my race calendar on here.

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