Thursday, December 1, 2011

Soren is here!

How is training going? Much better today.

My niece, Andrea, had her baby, Soren, a little boy. 9 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches tall.

I think hes kinda cute, but these are the only photos I have so its hard to tell. They say hes perfect so that makes me glad for them.

I've sent Andrea a few boxes of baby things, I hope its enough for her. I know she had no income of her own to do anything with. I have more clothing to send her for when hes older but I don't want to send it yet. I don't think she even knows where she'll be living in the future. But I do have stuff for up to 4 years, lol.

Today I was able to make it to Torreys spin/core class and it wasn't too hard to complete. Then I have a nice hour long massage & then met Linda for a 35 minute run/walk at the local high school track. We actually went 3.25 in 40 minutes. Not fast but as much as I wanted to do on my first day back after 2 illnesses and a truck wreck. sigh.

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