Monday, December 12, 2011

Another year older

How is training going? Good.

I am now in the last year of my age bracket, officially 49. Next year I'll be racing against old ladies. But in Ironman Coeur d'Alene I'll be the oldest in my age bracket, which could actually be a disadvantage. Like I'm going to be competitive!

I ran 7.5 miles yesterday, from home toward Lindas house. I was only a short distance from her but I kept getting side aches and I just can not run with those. I'd breath deep and slow down but the pounding kills me. Right after I took this photo Lan drove up and I got a ride the rest of the way.

We went to Lindas and enjoyed a delicious chicken noodle soup lunch then helped them assemble and decorate their Christmas tree.  Lindas got more tree ornaments than I've ever had and she used every single one of them. Plus shes got tons of THINGS that go around the house.  To me its just stuff to have to put away again later.

Today I did go shopping and got a bunch of things to make my own home made gifts. I hope no one hates me for the cookies, pies and hot chocolate they will be getting from me.

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