Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm going to change coaches

How is training going? Fine.

I've made the decision to use Lisa B. starting in January. I'll finish up with Ryan this month, I'll have my 2 personal meetings with him, both at the pool and then I'll start with Lisa. I want to go with her because I know her better and shes finally excited about this. 4 months ago when I signed up for this she was busy doing all the TriBabe things, she had no time for Linda and me and she was very cavalier about out training.

Now there's a mere 6.5 months to go and shes finally getting serious about it. But there's more to it than that:

1. I can't afford Ryan any longer, Lisa is half his price.
2. She includes Yoga classes, running clinics, swim clinics, and will do these things with us.
3. I want a girl coach now.
4. Ryan pushes me to buy a lot of STUFF.

I don't need any more excuses. I'll pay him what he is owed and let him know this is the last month.

Went to a swim clinic with Lisa today, I was in the shallow end trying to swim without a nose plug. I did more than half the lesson but then I had to use it again. I'll continue to try to not use it more and more, until I can do it comfortably. But this evening I have water in my ears and my sinuses hurt.

Otherwise we only covered stuff I already know, there was nothing new. But it was good to get a workout and have the opportunity to go plug less.

Linda is in Las Vegas tonight, she did the Rock & Roll half marathon, finished in 2:45, 3 minutes faster than her Race For A Soldier time.

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