Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Done Before Dark

How is training going? Well.

This morning I got up at 4am and was at the gym before 5am for 2 spin classes. These were classes I hadn't attended before so both the teachers thought I was a noob but I kicked ass & didn't bother taking names.

I rode 16 miles in the first class, 45 minutes long. Took a 5 minute break then started on the second class about 10 minutes early, just to keep warm. Got 18.5 miles in that 1 hour long class for a total of 34.5 miles.

The first class was mostly men, about 12 people.  The second class was mostly women, about 24 of them. There was 1 man & 1 woman besides me who did both classes and they were GOOD.

This photo isn't of my class but these are the kind of bikes we use. I had my heart rate monitor on, high 159 average 141.

I got home and had to take a nap.

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