Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mason Lake ride, again

How is training going? BBbbbbrrrrrrrr!

Went for a ride around Mason Lake again but today it was only 31* outside. Here, Lan & Les are getting dressed to go.

I had originally planned on going two laps but it was so frigging cold I only made it one lap. My toes were hurting. I don't have booties for the bike so I had cold feet. Here is Linda waiting for the guys pre-ride.

Here is Linda almost half way around the lake, at about mile 5. You can see shes NOT a happy camper. There were 2 reasons for that, first of all she was frozen into an ice cube. second, Les had practically attacked her right off the bat, made her feel very uncomfortable with his closeness. He likes to touch too. Hes not making a pass at you, hes touching you to let you know how/where to move or something.

Les is an excellent bike coach but he likes to talk too much.

At about the 6 mile marker the guys went on ahead, Linda and I struggled to complete the ride and get it over with.  It was SO cold out and the wind we created & the damp fog didn't help at all.

Finally the ride is over and silly Les is talking so long that we both got chilled. But I got the car heated up & changed my clothes then Linda changed while the guys went for another lap around the lake. By the time Lan got in the car it was toasty, just what he needed. I even had his shoes warming under the heater.

Heres Linda all changed into fresh clothes with her helmet hair.

I really like that ride, can't wait for it to be a bit warmer out so we can actually enjoy it.

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