Tuesday, December 13, 2011

War Horse Movie Premier in Seattle

How is training going? Very good.

I was given tickets for 4 people to go to the Movie premier of War Horse.

I've heard its a real tear jerker so I'm going to take a handful of tissues.

The movie is in Seattle tomorrow night at 7pm, we have to be there before 6:15 to be guaranteed a seat. Meghan, her mom and her friend, Ashley, are going to go.

The movie isn't set to be released until Christmas Eve so we're seeing it a whole 10 days early, how cool. I can't freakin' wait!

I won't get a chance to work out tomorrow, will work from 7am till 3pm then meeting Meghan for the movie. I'm pretty sure I wont get home before  11:15pm and then I have to turn around and go back Thursday for the same shift.

I did get a good workout this morning, even though it wasn't what I had planned on doing. I wore my bathing suit to the gym and got there early enough to swim for at least a half hour. But I forgot my goggles! Changed and had 20 minutes to run on the indoor track instead, then got a bit of an early start on the spin bike. I went 13.5 miles in 43 minutes instead of the usual 10.

Torrey challenged me and the rest of the class, but specifically me, to this awesome race. Run then do 4 minutes to push-ups, run & 4 minutes of squats, run & 4 minutes of ... I don't know if I COULD do it but it will be in April and I'll (I BETTER BE) in excellent condition then.

Lan has been extraordinarily kind and has said some very nice things about me lately. First he told his mom that my Ironman is THE thing going on next June, not 'See what else is going on' as she keeps putting it. But her sister is dying and I've got remember that.

Then today he said I wimp out way less than he does when I feel like I wimp out more. so that meant a lot to me. He's the best.

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