Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good Bye Ryan

How is training going? So long, trainer.

I had my last lesson with Ryan tonight; we did 1 hour in the pool going over all the drills he has taught me. Since I've been very bad and not swam much in the last 3 months (or year) for that matter, I'm pretty bad at it. But I have much better form now than I did at Black Diamond and I should be able to go a bit faster. Now need to work on this form to perfect it and build endurance.

As for Ryan, he taught me a lot of very important things for my race. I am much more efficient in my running, I can feel when I'm getting fatigued and start to lean down and I know how to fix it. I know how to swim SO MUCH BETTER. I better send  HIM a thank you note.

My hips are sore this evening, don't know if its from Torreys class last Tuesday or riding bikes the other day. I do know that if they hurt tomorrow then I'll only be doing one lap around the lake or not doing spin at the core class. I am going to do the core portion of class no matter what, then at least 1 lap around the lake. I should be getting my shit ready now for tomorrow. COLD weather riding gear and a change of clothes so I don't freeze my ass off.

I have 4 people interested in The Pie but one was supposed to come see him today and she didn't so I'm taking her off the list. You don't cancel a noon appointment at 3:46pm.

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