Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Feeling better

How is training going? Nothing for so long.

I was sore this morning, neck, back and left leg but after going outside and working in the barn for a couple hours I feel better. I hope it feels good enough tomorrow to get myself back on track for Ironman.

I am planning on going to Torreys spin/core class, then a massage at 10am, that's going to be good. Then go for an easy run at the high school track with Linda for 35 minutes. Got to remember my heart rate monitor.

Tonight was swimming but I didn't go, do not want to overdo it today. Tomorrow is soon enough to start again.

My beautiful niece, Andrea,

 is due to have her first child any day now. She lives in Alaska and I've only actually met her a few times but she is my twins daughter and he has died. I am trying to do as much for her as I can to help make up for her not having a father. Her mother is a piece of shit that hasn't care for Andrea in years. I think shes living in a shed with her boyfriend and his mom with no electricity nor running water.

 I'd invite her to live with us but I don't want her boyfriend to come here, I hear he is bad news. If she asks I'll for sure open my home to her and the baby, a boy, but not the father.

Shes not answering the texts I've been sending so I'm wondering if shes at the hospital now?

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