Tuesday, November 29, 2011


How is training going? I have the flu and I wrecked my truck.

It doesn't get any better than this. I've been fighting off this fucking sinus infection for 2 weeks, then I got Lans god damn flu and today I wrecked the truck.

The sinus infection seems to be gone, finally after 2 antibiotics over 16 days. That was fucked up.

Then 2 days ago I got Lans flu, including but not limited to puking, shitting, headache, body ache, fever, chills, soreness. Anything and everything associated with the flu, I have suffered. Last night was a new thing I've never experienced before, my stomach kept bloating up. I'd doze off just to wake up to pain, sit up and belch a huge one. I'd get a little relief but then it would happen again, at least 4-5 times. That sucked. and the pain didn't go away, woke up hurting.

And this morning Helen's house sitter called, she hurt her back so she cant clean the horses runs so I have to go do it. FUCK. Lazy bitch. I've got the flu, I'm not being paid for this shit and she is so she needs to get off her lazy ass and do what shes been paid to do. FUCK.

On the way home I wrecked the truck. There were 2 accidents right together on the way home and I caused the 3rd. Rear ended another truck. What made me mad was the fact the fucking cop gave me a $189 ticket for 'inattentive driving' when I WAS paying attention, just couldn't stop in time. If Lan had fixed the anti lock brakes it could have stopped in time. And the $550 ticket for not having the insurance card in the truck is Lans problem, he better go tomorrow and get another fucking card and get it to the traffic court and he better do it this week.

My neck hurts, my head hurts, my left leg hurts. Lan JERKED the truck when he was pulling me home and that hurt worse than the original hit. He doesn't know how to fucking pull a god damned vehicle behind him, thats for fucking sure.

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