Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oldtown Silverdale run, again

How is training going? Good.

Lan & Matt Turner joined me for a run in Oldtown Silverdale today. We ran on the same course that I ran on last week with Linda & Rich, made a couple wrong turns in the park but it  was all good. The boardwalk was slippery as snot, the guys both slipped on a corner but recovered, I was just walking and almost went down.

They turned around and went 6 miles total, I went the additional 2 miles in 1:28:28, a good 5:27 faster than last week. But last week Linda was walking a lot and we waited for her.

Last night Lan set up his Serotta Fit Bike for me to train on indoors. Its got all the same dimensions that the FELT has so I can get used to riding in the proper position without having to bring the bike in or go out on the road in crappy weather.

Heres me at 1 hour:

Pretty ugly and scary!

I had to ride for 1:40 yesterday which I postponed literally until the last minute. Finished up at about midnight. Didn't sleep well at all then got up early to feed horses and head out for our run. Right now I'm dead dog tired and I'm going to go have a nap in a few minutes.

In other news, Sarah ran the San Antonio 1/2 marathon today in 2:14, yay, way to go Sarah!

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