Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 3 of antibiotics

How is training going? Getting better.

I made it to the YMCA this morning for my Spin/Core class. The spin was hard but I discovered something: I'm working harder than some of the other people. The guy beside me, John, was pedaling at his own 90% and the bike resistance was set at 15. I had mine at 17 already and then I put it at 18. I know that not all the bikes go the same, some are harder than others, but mostly they are all set about the same. So I'm not just wimping out when it comes to my 90% effort.

I was able to go out and run with Lan, around our block for our perfect 3.1 miles. My training plan said run easy for 35 minutes and it ended up perfectly at 35.

I'm going to go out and play with horses, hope to get the whole barn cleaned so Cassie doesn't have to worry about it for today. I'll try to get photos.

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