Friday, November 11, 2011

Work, being sick and training

How is training going? Today is a day of rest, after barely anything yesterday.

I miss training hard for my Ironman!!!!  I know there is enough time to do get ready but I feel like I'm going backwards in my fitness level.

I did my YMCA class yesterday morning then headed to the doctor. I had finished the 5 day course of antibiotics for my sinus infection but I still have all the symptoms so decided to take matters into my own hands and not wait to get sicker.

The doctor at the URGENT care took 35 minutes to see me & by then I needed to leave for work. I was lucky, he did hurry once I told them I had to leave.

Anyway, he gave me a script for a 10 day course of antibiotics, nasal spray and Sudafed. This better work, I'm SO tired of being sick.

This is where I was yesterday:
  Fauntleroy Dock

and I got to work with this man,

Fred Schumacher.
 Hes really a nice guy, I love working with him. He actually lives not too far from me, in Olalla and hes been working for the ferries for a couple years. Hes got a good shift and I hope that IF I can stay on with the ferries that I will get a good shift like he has.

 But these shifts can change in an instant, all at the whims of the ferry gods. We belong to Inlandboatmens Union of the Pacific

and when anyone takes a leave of absence, retires, quits or gets fired we have to do a new bid. A lot of the jobs are permanent positions which are taken up by the people who have been working for the ferries for 20+ years, (many people have been there 35+ years) so on-call people like me and Fred fill in the empty spots. For the last 2 months I have mostly done some Thursdays 2:05pm-6:05pm. Not a lot of hours but its keeping me employed, barely.

I should see about getting unemployment.

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