Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sinus infection

How is training going? So-so.

I finally went to the doctor the other day and found out my illness is a sinus infection. I'll be on drugs for 10 days or however long and I hope they kick its butt. I'm tired of being sick and its making my teeth hurt.

I'll get back  into the swing of things today with a 1:40:00 run out in Old Town Silverdale. I saw that Richard Siebert was going running with another lady, saw their starting time & parking area so asked Linda if she wants to crash their running party with me. So we will. Richard runs fast, I don't so his quick 6 miles will be over before I even get started. But I'm running for time, not distance. I should be able to go 8-9 miles in the time I've got to run but we'll see about that.

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